November 23, 2015, by Brooke Chaplan - Scandal, incompetence, and corruption have plagued the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) since its creation after World War I. From denying promised payments to veterans, to providing subpar or even non-existent medical care leading to unnecessary deaths, the VA has a blemished history regarding its mission to serve American veterans. … [Read more...]
Veteran Retirement Aids You Shouldn’t Forget About
November 13, 2015, by Brooke Chaplan - Planning for retirement can bring a variety of concerns about financial security into the forefront of your mind. If you are a veteran, a number of benefits are available that many may not know, or have forgotten about. Here’s a look at a few that may be able to help you make your retirement a little more secure. Financial Need … [Read more...]
DoD Education Activity Focuses on College, Career Readiness
WASHINGTON, May 12, 2015 - The Department of Defense Education Activity will begin a new initiative in the fall to better prepare its students for college or careers, the organization’s director said May 8. DoDEA operates 181 accredited schools in 14 districts located in 12 foreign countries, seven states, Guam, and Puerto Rico. The system serves more than 78,000 children … [Read more...]
DoD and VA to Share Amputee Medical Care Innovations
JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas, May 12, 2015 - Health care providers from Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs facilities across the world will gather here next week for a joint training symposium focused on the latest innovations in amputee care. In its second year, the Federal Advanced Amputation Skills Training Symposium, or FAAST, will … [Read more...]
Wright-Patterson Medical Center Improves Timelines for Veterans’ Medical Care
MAY 8, 2015, WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio (AFNS) - A new agreement was signed here May 1 in an effort to dramatically improve the timeliness of medical care to veterans throughout Ohio and optimize the training and readiness of personnel at the Wright-Patterson Medical Center (WPMC). Col. Timothy Ballard, the commander of the 88th Medical Group, and Jack Hetrick, … [Read more...]