SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 - Striving to further improve a Sailor/family PCS move experience, the Navy has added the ability to electronically prepare, sign and submit a permanent change of station (PCS) travel voucher within MyPCS Mobile available on Sept. 11. MyPCS Mobile provides Sailors access to a personalized checklist tailored for an individual Sailor’s PCS move, the ability … [Read more...]
More Sailor-Friendly Options for PCS Moves
AUGUST 7, 2019 - Navy Personnel Command (NPC) leaders announced today that they are expanding options and capabilities offered to further improve the Permanent Change of Station (PCS) move experience for Sailors and their families. This comes only a few weeks after the release of MyPCS Mobile and more capabilities are expected in the near future. As part of the Navy’s … [Read more...]
Total Army Sponsorship Program
JULY 19, 2019 - The Total Army Sponsorship Program (TASP) is a commander's program designed to assist Soldiers, Families, and Army Civilian employees during relocation. Sponsors, ideally Soldiers and Army Civilians with significant time on station, provide incoming personnel with information and referral services about the installation and community. The Army continues to … [Read more...]
Navy Modernizing the PCS Move Process
JULY 17, 2019 - Continuing efforts to improve the Permanent Change of Station (PCS) experience for Sailors and their families, the Navy is launching the MyPCS Mobile, July 17. “Sailors executing Active Duty PCS orders will immediately realize a better experience with MyPCS Mobile. We have heard the Sailor and family feedback, and are enhancing the PCS move process through … [Read more...]
Air Force Officials Announce Tour Length Changes
JULY 2, 2019 - After listening to feedback from Airmen and career field managers, Air Force officials are reducing targeted special duty and instructor tour lengths to create a more ready and resilient force. The tour length reduction from four to three years for military training instructors, military training leaders, Air Education and Training Command technical training … [Read more...]