FEBRUARY 6, 2024 – Night vision was one of the revolutionary developments of the middle of the last century. After the emergence of this technology, they began to actively introduce it into the military industry and gain a tangible advantage over the enemy. Various night optics often appeared on ground military equipment, particularly on tanks. The latter have always been essential combat units; even in modern warfare, it is impossible to do without them.
How did it all begin?
Night vision was first used on tanks during World War II. At that time, this latest development of German engineers did not provide a tangible advantage. Still, it made it possible to obtain valuable information about the enemy and conduct combat operations in the dark. After the end of the war, the Americans began to perform development. They were one of the first to test night vision scopes and were also able to introduce similar devices into tanks and other military equipment. The results surprised many, so the best armies in the world followed the example of the Americans. With a difference of several years, the British, French, and other developed countries adopted night optics. Gradually, night vision became an integral part of tanks produced in Europe, Asia, and the USA. Today, it is an important option that provides many benefits and simplifies military personnel’s tasks.
Application of night vision on modern tanks
Nowadays, it will not surprise anyone that soldiers have weapons with night vision scopes and various NVDs (monoculars, binoculars, goggles, cameras). All these devices or their slightly modified analogs are also found in modern military equipment. On the newest tanks, night optics are used quite actively. It is integrated into the operation of the control system, thanks to which the crew can easily navigate the terrain and perform various combat missions even in deplorable lighting conditions. In particular, night vision is ideal when searching for a target and aiming a gun at it. It is often combined with thermal imaging, further expanding its range of applications.
Without exception, all modern tanks use night vision technology. Among the many models, Abrams is considered the best in terms of operating efficiency of NV equipment. These American tanks perform excellently in lighting conditions, proving the thoroughness of the night optics used. The German Leopard and French Leclerc are not much inferior to them. Both models are equipped with night vision devices, to which all crew members have access. In addition, night optics are available on modern Chinese, Korean, British, and Israeli tanks.
Development prospects
The tanks in use today will only hold the status of the most modern for a short time. In the coming years, new modifications will appear that will receive specific improvements. They will affect night optics. Its modern models will be actively introduced into various combat vehicles, leading to a deeper night vision integration into the military industry. Shortly, modern tanks will receive more universal equipment capable of forming high-quality images in the dark. In addition, changes will be visible in the width of the functionality. All of the above will enable the tank crew to perform dozens of simple and complex tasks that will help them achieve an advantage even over an initially stronger enemy.
Throughout their history, tanks have played an essential role in every battle. After equipping this military equipment with night vision devices, it became even more effective, versatile, and capable of performing complex combat missions. In modern tanks, these devices are already indispensable, but their influence will only increase in the future. I want to hope that all wars on our planet will end shortly. However, if this does not happen, tanks equipped with night vision systems can become essential in the victory of good over evil.