MARCH 5, 2024 – Residents of McConnell’s on-base housing now have the opportunity to complete the 2024 Department of Defense Tenant Satisfaction Survey, which starts today.
Survey results provide leadership with feedback about living in McConnell’s housing and will guide decisions the Air Force makes about future housing concerning programs, resources and services for residents.
The survey is administered by CEL & Associated, an independent, third-party group. By completing the survey, residents will automatically be entered in the drawing to win a $150 gift card throughout the survey period.
New this year, all participants from across the Mayroad portfolio will be entered to win $750 off one month’s rent at survey completion. Winners are randomly selected by CEL and will be notified by the Mayroad team.
CEL & Associates emailed the survey link to residents who moved in before January 16.
All survey answers are strictly confidential and it takes less than 15 minutes to complete.
“The annual DoD Tenant Satisfaction Survey remains a pivotal channel for feedback from our residents in 2024,” stated Sharon Shores, senior vice president of asset management and property operations at Mayroad. “These survey responses continue to play a crucial role in our year-over-year planning, offering valuable insights for enhancing customer service on a community level. We are grateful for our engaged resident base, which has ranked us number one in customer satisfaction for the last four years. We appreciate the time you take out of your day to complete this survey.”
Residents who did not receive a survey should send an email to: AirForceHousingSurvey@CELAssociates.com, with their installation name and address.
The survey period ends on April 18.
Story by John Van Winkle
22nd Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs