The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is an enrollment program that works with military and civilian agencies to provide community support, housing, educational, medical, and personnel services to Families with special needs.
Active Duty Soldiers with family members who have a emotional, physical, or developmental/Psychological disorder are eligible to enroll in in the program, regardless of age.
All participants must be screened and enrolled and if eligible, the soldier must be on an assignment where family member travel is authorized.
It is the Soldiers responsibility to keep the EFMP enrollment as current as possible with the exceptional family member, as any changes may occur or every 3 years.
Enrollment allows assignment managers at military personnel agencies to consider the documented medical needs of exceptional Family members in the CONUS assignment process
To register for the EFMP or to read additional information on the program, click here.
Another component of the EFMP, is the Respite Care Program. This program assists the caretakers who are responsible for looking over the disabled member. Respite Care offers a temporary rest period for those caretakers. Click here to learn more on how you can participate in the Respite Care Program.