JANUARY 13, 2022 – Army Culture is grounded in the core values of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage. Maintaining these values and inspiring those around them to do the same is the responsibility of every Soldier, but particularly by leaders as they lead by example every day.
Virginia “Ginny” Clarke, author, talent consultant, leadership strategist, and host of the podcast “Fifth Dimensional Leadership,” is the guest for the next U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Leader Professional Development session airing at 11 a.m. Jan. 13.
Clarke and Lt. Gen. Maria Gervais, TRADOC Deputy Commanding General, will discuss how building a positive culture in the workplace through leadership can significantly benefit an organization and create a stronger foundation for success. TRADOC’s culture impacts every Soldier’s career, from Basic Combat Training to Professional Military Education.
“TRADOC provides the foundation to all Soldiers and leaders, in terms of ‘what right looks like’ for the culture in the Army,” Gervais said. “It is the responsibility of everyone, at every echelon, as part of being stewards of our profession, to establish and enforce this culture and create a positive, inclusive environment where all can contribute to our mission.”
An organization’s culture is initially built on the behaviors of an organization’s senior leaders and can directly impact morale, productivity, retention and talent acquisition, which is why, according to Clarke, it is important to start from the top and really look at what impact leadership behaviors have.
“When organizations and its leaders can foster an environment where that can happen, everyone wins,” Clarke said.
The Army is a people business, and a key attribute of effective leadership is knowing how to manage the talent within an organization.
“A leader needs to be self-aware enough to tap into somebody else to unlock and optimize what they’re bringing to the table…We’re talking about people, first and foremost,” Clarke said in one of her recent podcast episodes.
To view the LPD discussion, visit TRADOC’s Facebook page, DVIDs, or the TRADOC watch page at www.tradoc.army.mil/watch/.
To participate in the LPD discussion, viewers may join live at TRADOC’s Facebook or Watch page, and submit questions to be answered throughout the session by LPD panelists.
By Nina Borgeson
TRADOC Communication Directorate