The purpose of the MEPS physical exam is to ensure that you, and future soldiers, are: free of contagious diseases that could endanger other soldiers free of medical conditions or physical defects that could result in separation from the Army medically capable of completing training medically adaptable to the military environment medically capable of performing your … [Read more...]
ASVAB Requirements for the Coast Guard
The Coast Guard requires that all recruits take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. The current minimum score to qualify is 36, but that is your AFQT score. There is no single "ASVAB score". Usually people who use this phrase are referring to their AFQT (Armed Forces Qualifying Test) score. This score is derived from the ASVAB test, from the … [Read more...]
ASVAB Scores Needed for Navy Jobs
ASVAB score requirements for Navy enlisted jobs are: Rating (Job) ASVAB Scores Required ABE - Aviation Boatswain's Mate - Equipment VE+AR+MK+AS=184 ABF - Aviation Boatswain's Mate - Fuels VE+AR+MK+AS=184 ABH - … [Read more...]
Marine Corps ASVAB Line Scores
Updated January 2016When taking the ASVAB test, each branch has different standards as to what your scores will mean, and the Marine Corps is no different. The Marine Corps ASVAB enlistment requirements is a 32 on the AFQT portion of the test. The AFQT score is compiled from scores on the Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension, Mathematics Knowledge, and Arithmetic … [Read more...]
National Guard Benefits
The National Guard offers a series of benefits ranging from bonuses, competitive pay, money for college, various types of enlistment, and more. A broad range of skills are learned through schools and job training, and leadership opportunities are numerous. Benefits Competitive Pay Money For School GI Bill Other benefits of joining the National Guard are: Serve Your Country, … [Read more...]