DECEMBER 5, 2018 To all of our Soldiers, It’s that time of year We honor and celebrate those we hold dear At Army Warrior Care, the stories we share Send a message to all of how much we care No wrapping is needed. No tinsel or bows Taking care of our Soldiers, at this we are pros! At Transition Units, the staff all do strive To help and support our Soldiers to … [Read more...]
Compromising Mental Health for Recruitment Needs
OCTOBER 22, 2018 - According to the Veterans Administration National Suicide Data Report from 2016, the suicide rate of United States servicemembers is rising at an alarming rate. The act of enlisting in the military, even without any preexisting conditions, put individuals at an increased risk to experience life-altering struggles during their service and afterward as well. … [Read more...]
CID: Beware of ‘Hijacked’ Webcam Scams
OCTOBER 19, 2018 - U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID) is warning individuals to be on the lookout for cybercriminals who are attempting to blackmail victims with compromising videos. According to Special Agents with CID's Computer Crime Investigative Unit (CCIU), the scam involves criminals claiming to have remotely accessed victim's personal computers, hijacked … [Read more...]
Military OneSource: Connecting You To Your Best MilLife
OCTOBER 4, 2018 - Military life is not easy. Most American families face challenges and stress from typical life events -- employment and work issues, paying the bills, finding quality child care, and dealing with relationships -- just to name a few. Military families, however, face additional trials unique to their voluntary service to the nation, such as frequent moves, … [Read more...]
A Memorial Day Story: The Knock On The Door
MAY 25, 2018 I’d like to share with you the official description of Memorial Day and how it came to be. Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in service of the United States of America. Over two dozen cities and towns claim to be the birthplace of Memorial Day. While Waterloo N.Y. was officially declared the … [Read more...]