OCTOBER 24, 2014, WASHINGTON – Representatives from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) met today with Veteran Service Organizations (VSO) at the Washington VA Medical Center for a hands-on demonstration and discussion about VA’s telehealth programs and services.
The hands-on demonstration included a presentation of VA’s new Clinical Video Telehealth scheduling software which launched last month and is intended to improve how VA employees schedule telehealth appointments.
“As we launch new programs and services, it is important to include our VSO partners,” said VA Secretary Robert A. McDonald. “Today’s demonstration is an important part of our collaborative process. We welcome our VSO’s feedback. Like us, their goal is to ensure Veterans have the access to the quality care and services they have earned.”
Telehealth rapidly is becoming a popular option, particularly for Veterans who do not have a VA health care facility close to home. In fiscal year 2014, VA’s national telehealth programs served over 690,000 Veterans and accounted for more than 2 million virtual visits.
For more information about VA’s telehealth program, visit www.telehealth.va.gov/.