October 29, 2012
Anyone who’s paid attention to the news in the last few months (and years) can tell you what a hot-button issue insurance has become.
Words like Obamacare and Healthcare reform have been thrown around like confetti, as politicians debate and make policy decisions on the issue.
Passing earlier this year, the Obamacare plan has made it possible for children under that age of 26 to stay on their parent’s health coverage for free, no questions asked. However, military professionals and their families are encountering hiccups when it comes to the issue of their insured children.
Tricare is an Insurance provider for current and retired members of the military and their families. Recently, Tricare has been in the news because several of its policyholders have cited outrageous charges and fees for keeping their adult children on their insurance plans.
The Wall Street Journal recently reported that some people were paying as much as $200 a month, giving those tied to our nation’s military a less than fair disadvantage. Because of the issue, many military children are going uninsured.
The report goes on to outline Tricare’s continuously changing structure and says that, as a whole, our nation’s insurance system is far from seeing the end of the effects of these changes. Since the passing of Obamacare, it is a whole different ballgame. Not necessarily a bad one, just a new, different one that will take some getting used to. Let’s just hope we can adjust before too many people are negatively impacted.
About the Author:
Susan Wells is a freelancer and blogger who writes for www.insurancequotes.org and other sites that are related to insurance, technology, and lifestyle. She’s always happy to hear from her readers and welcomes your comments and questions.