DECEMBER 16, 2022 – During the Christmas season, many people look to the sky hoping to catch a glimpse of Santa as he drops gifts to the boys and girls of the world. At Eglin Air Force Base, 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) Paratroopers dropped from the sky to deliver toys to community charities, Dec. 5-9, 2022.
“It’s the season for giving,” said Maj. Christopher Clones, airborne jump commander for Operation Toy Drop. “This toy drive creates a strong rapport between 7th Special Forces Group and the community.”
Since 1998, Operation Toy Drop has occurred annually within the Army Airborne community and consists of a toy drive and a proficiency jump with members of a partner nation. Paratroopers don’t jump with the toys, rather, they donate a toy to a charity that provides for a family in the surrounding community, earning a spot on one of the jumps throughout the week.
This year, 7th SFG (A) donated 550 toys with as many static-line jumpers throughout four days. 33 free-fall jumpers jumped as well on the first day. During the first three days, paratroopers took turns ascending in a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter, sliding off the edge of the floor -and into the air- gliding down onto the drop zone. The third day of Operation Toy Drop saw 175 paratroopers board a C-17 Globemaster before exiting single-file from the doorway.
In addition to fostering relations between 7th SFG (A) and the surrounding communities, Operation Toy Drop provided a unique training opportunity to the participants.
Irish Defense Force Airborne Rangers served as jump masters for the Paratroopers’ jump from both the UH-60 Black Hawk and the C-17 Globemaster.
“The intent for this event is to give back to local charities and build stronger bonds with our foreign allies and partners,” said Staff Sgt. Prince Jones, airborne jump coordinator, 7th SFG (A) “The Soldiers get to hear commands in a manner they haven’t before. After we give the hand and arm signals in English, our foreign counterparts will echo it in Irish Gaelic.”
The presence and incorporation of foreign allies creates a new experience and enables the participants to earn Irish Defense Force parachute wings.
“The Soldiers love it,” Jones said. “It’s a different type of proficiency jump, but it enhances training and allows the Soldiers to acquire Irish Jump Wings.”
The opportunity for this experience is not lost on the paratroopers.
“I donated because I want to earn foreign wings,” said Pvt. Andrea Garcia-Cruz, ammunition specialist, 7th SFG (A). “I’ve never jumped from a Black Hawk so I’m excited to have this new experience.”
Still, with all the available personal benefits, the driving force remains a desire to give.
“The toy I donated is a remote-control jeep,” said Garcia-Cruz. “Hopefully, if they don’t have anything else, they can have something from not only me as an individual, but from the entire Army.”
Story by Sgt. Broderick Hennington
7th Special Forces Group (Airborne)