MARCH 14, 2025 – The Department of the Navy announced policy changes for Sailors with a current diagnosis or history of gender dysphoria, March 13.
The updates affect military service eligibility and introduce new procedures for voluntary separation. The Department of the Navy will recognize only male and female sexes, with gender being immutable.
Sailors impacted by these changes may request voluntary separation. Those who separate voluntarily will not be required to repay any education benefits or bonuses previously received.
Waivers for retention or accession may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Sailors eligible for voluntary separation pay will receive twice the amount of involuntary separation pay, though this is not available to those with fewer than six or more than 20 years of service.
The Department of the Navy is committed to ensuring the privacy and dignity of affected Sailors. There are no active efforts to identify individuals with gender dysphoria.
Sailors seeking voluntary separation may be placed in an administrative absence status, with full pay and benefits, until their separation is complete.
For more information, please visit https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/References/Messages/NAVADMIN-2025.