NOVEMBER 25, 2024 – Have you visited your primary care provider lately? If so, you may have noticed additional screening questions added to your check-in.
This is the result of a 59th Medical Wing initiative to identify and address food insecurity in our patient population.
A 2023 RAND study found that 25.8% of military families struggle with food insecurity, likely made worse by a post-pandemic economy.
Inadequate access to healthy, nutritious foods can create significant health impacts including vitamin deficiencies, diabetes, and even mental health symptoms.
Therefore, the 59th MDW has made it our goal to improve beneficiary wellness by identifying those with health-related barriers and getting them connected with the incredible support resources available in our community.
For additional information and assistance, please notify your primary care team or consider reaching out to one of the following organizations for assistance.
Many are offering additional support during the holiday season.
United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County (Dial 211)
San Antonio Food Bank (210) 337-3663 or info@safoodbank.org
Vogel Resiliency Center Monthly Food Distro www.facebook.com/vogelresiliencycenter
Soldiers’ Angels www.soldiersangels.org
West Avenue Compassion Food Pantry https://westavenuecompassion.org/contact-us
or call or text (210) 573-2847
Catholic Charities Food Pantry (210) 226-6178
Coker Food Pantry (210) 494-3455
WIC (210) 207-4650 and SNAP Food Benefits www.yourtexasbenefits.com
YMCA Operation Holiday Joy
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59th Medical Wing