Everyone who joins the Navy goes through the Military Entrance Processing Station (MSPS). Below is what you should expect with the MEPS.
Take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a multiple choice test used to determine qualification for enlistment in the United States Armed Forces. In addition to determining eligibility, the test also determines jobs available to you in each service and enlistment bonus incentives, so you will want to do your best when taking the Navy ASVAB.
Take Your Physical
This is the same as getting a physical exam from your own doctor. You will take a series of basic tests including blood work, hearing and visual exams, and simple flexibility tests. Your height and weight will also be documented. At this time it will be determined if you are healthy enough to join the Navy.
Choose Your Career Interests
After you pass your physical you will move on to a Career Classifier to choose your Navy career. This is a very important decision since it will impact the rest of your life. Based on your career interests, results from your [ASVAB], and results from your physical exam, a counselor will assist you in matching your interests with the Navy job that fits you best.
Go Through Your Pre-Enlistment Interview
After you choose your career path, your paperwork will be checked one last time. At this time a counselor will ask you a few more general questions. If any additional testing is required for your specific career, you will do that here. If not, you enlistment contract will be presented to you for signing.
Attend the Oath of Enlistment Ceremony
Make sure to invite all of your friends and family. At this event you will be sworn in to become a member of the premier naval power in the world, the United States Navy. Congratulations!