OCTOBER 25, 2024 – “Safety doesn’t happen by accident” is a popular proverb used to encourage safer activities and practices in the workplace. The Kentucky Army National Guard is taking that proverb to heart to ensure there is purpose behind their safety program. In line with this commitment, nearly 40 Soldiers and civilian technicians gathered for the annual Safety Training … [Read more...]
Airmen Unite for Space Intelligence
U.S. Airmen assigned to the 126th Intelligence Squadron support and train Airmen and Guardians of the 213th Space Warning Squadron at Clear Space Force Station, Alaska, on June 21, 2024, as part of the Polar Surge partnership. The joint effort between the 178th Wing and 213th provides space surveillance data to the NORAD Space Control Center. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by … [Read more...]
Oregon Guard Mobilized for Egypt Mission
Oregon Army National Guard Soldiers assigned to the 1st Battalion, 186th Infantry Regiment, render a hand salute during the playing of the National Anthem as they take part in their formal mobilization ceremony on October 20, 2024 held on the campus of Southern Oregon University, in Ashland, Oregon. The 1-168th Infantry Regiment is scheduled to deploy to the Sinai Peninsula of … [Read more...]
Bureau Hosts Cybersecurity Awareness Panel
OCTOBER 22, 2024 – Everybody plays a role in cybersecurity, National Guard and Department of Defense officials emphasized during a panel discussion on cybersecurity Oct. 16 at the Herbert R. Temple Army National Guard Readiness Center. “Everyone out here is a cybersecurity warrior,” said Kenneth McNeill, the chief information officer with the National Guard Bureau and a … [Read more...]
Guard Launches 37th Antarctic Support Mission
Airmen from the 109th Airlift Wing prepare to depart for the beginning of Operation Deep Freeze with LC-130 Hercules aircraft from Scotia, N.Y., October 17, 2024. Operation Deep Freeze is an annual U.S. Pacific Air Forces-led joint interagency mission to provide logistical and transportation support to the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Antarctic Program. (U.S. Air … [Read more...]