7/13/2012 WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- The White House continues to challenge federal employees to identify areas where we can save scarce taxpayer dollars while improving the way the government works. President Obama believes the best ideas usually come from the front lines and back in 2009 launched the SAVE Award (Securing Americans Value and Efficiency) to seek ideas from … [Read more...]
New Grants Connect Veterans, Families to Local Transportation
July 2, 2012 From a Department of Transportation News Release WASHINGTON, July 2, 2012 – Veterans and their families will have better access to local bus, vanpool and other transportation options with $29 million in grants, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced today. During a conference call with reporters, LaHood said the grants will fund 64 projects in 33 … [Read more...]
Panetta Announces $60M in Grants Will Be Given to Military Schools
By Lisa Daniel American Forces Press Service GRAPEVINE, Texas, June 27, 2012 – The Defense Department recently awarded $60 million to three public schools on two military installations, the latest example of its efforts to invest in the education of military children, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said at an education seminar here today. The grants, to schools … [Read more...]
Air Force Awards $960 Million in Small Business IT Contracts
By Jason Bishop 6/25/2012 - MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, Ala. (AFNS) -- The Air Force is announcing the award of 12 contracts worth up to $960 million that will make it quicker and easier for the warfighter to obtain innovative information technology services and capabilities covering the full spectrum of operations and missions. The Air Force's Network Centric Solutions-2 … [Read more...]
Officials Seeking Air Force ROTC Instructors
By Debbie Gildea Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs 6/23/2012 - JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) -- If you are someone who demonstrates Air Force standards, has the ability to teach, and wants to have a positive impact on the Air Force for years to come, then you may be a perfect match for Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps instructor duty. Eligible … [Read more...]