By Jim Garamone American Forces Press Service 1/2/2013 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Congress has avoided the fiscal cliff, but Pentagon Press Secretary George Little called on the body to continue efforts to permanently eliminate the threat of sequestration. The House of Representatives passed a Senate proposal that avoided the fiscal cliff last night. Defense Secretary Leon E. … [Read more...]
AER Scholarships Available for Families of Soldiers
December 28, 2012 By David Vergun WASHINGTON (Army News Service, Dec. 28, 2012) -- Army Emergency Relief scholarships for the academic year 2013-2014 will be available starting, Jan. 2, for spouses and children of Soldiers, retired Soldiers and reserve-component Soldiers on Title 10 orders. The application deadline is May 1. The Maj. Gen. James Ursano Scholarships are for … [Read more...]
AF Releases Selective Reenlistment Bonus List
By Debbie Gildea Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs 12/28/2012 - JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) -- Three Air Force specialty codes have been added to the selective reenlistment bonus list, and two have seen an increase in bonus amounts, Air Force Personnel Center officials said. In addition, one career field has been removed from the SRB list and one will … [Read more...]
2012 BAH Wisconsin
Wisconsin (FY2012) Find your Location and the corresponding Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) in the pay tables below. All pay is listed in terms of dollars per month. Enlisted Personnel (Without Dependents) Location E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 E-9 MADISON … [Read more...]
Fical Cliff Fears Cause Change in Military Spending and Saving Habits
December 24, 2012 FORT WORTH, Texas – As the year-end fiscal cliff deadline approaches, military personnel are increasingly worried about their financial futures – and they are taking actions to shore up their household finances. The First Command Financial Behaviors Index® reveals that two thirds of middle-class military families (senior NCOs and … [Read more...]