Wether you are in the Military or a civilian everyone gets into debt from time to time. Debt can vary from a modest credit card balance to a crushing school loan or owing the IRS. While each type may have it's own issues the basic principles of getting out of debt are the same: paying down the debt while not adding new debt. Below are some of the ways you can get pay off your … [Read more...]
Military Loan Calculator
The results of this military loan payment calculator are for comparison purposes only. Actual values will be determined by a qualified lender. The results will be a close approximation of actual loan repayments if available at the terms entered from a financial institution. This is being provided to help you to plan your next loan application. Usage: Enter values for the … [Read more...]
Financial Management; Take Control of Your Funds
Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, November 01, 2013 - A new survey focusing on the financial capability of military personnel revealed that there is an alarming number of personnel who do not manage their finances well. Service members with severe financial problems run the risk of losing their security clearance, impairing career advancement, having sanctions placed on … [Read more...]
Avoiding Predatory Lending
MCAS BEAUFORT, S.C. 08/19/2013 - Congress is now reexamining and altering the Military Lending Act put into effect in 2007 to protect service members from predatory lenders. The revision will further protect service members by applying the interest-rate cap to open-end loans. While the MLA already keeps companies from exorbitant interest rates on predatory loans, companies … [Read more...]
May is National Military Appreciation Month
SAN ANTONIO (May 3, 2013) -- The President of the United States has proclaimed May as National Military Appreciation Month to remind Americans of the importance of the U.S. Armed Forces in history. It is a symbol of unity, honoring today's military men and women, veterans and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of freedom. The U.S. Army Installation … [Read more...]