Reenlistment Eligibility (RE) Codes are contained on military discharge documents and determine whether or not one may reenlist or enlist in a military service at a later time. Here are the reentry codes for the U.S Marine Corps and Navy.
USN/USMC, RE-R1 Recommended for preferred reenlistment.
USN/USMC, RE-1 Eligible for reenlistment.
USN/USMC, RE-1E Eligible for reenlistment, but not reenlisted due to Perform to Serve (PTS) regulations.
USN/USMC, RE-2 Ineligible for reenlistment because of the following status:
- – Fleet Reserve.
- – Retired (except for transfer to TDRL).
- – Commissioned officer.
- – Warrant officer.
USN/USMC, RE-3 Eligible for reenlistment except for disqualifying factor. Add letter to indicate status at time of separation:.
- RE-3A – Alien (Discharged under reference (b) 1910-127).
- RE-3B – Parenthood/Pregnancy/Childbirth.
- RE-3C – Conscientious objector.
- RE-3E – Inducted/Enlisted/Extended/Reenlisted in error.
- RE-3F – Failed the physical fitness assessment (PFA).
- RE-3G – Condition (not physical disability) interfering with performance of duty.
- RE-3H – Hardship/Dependency.
- RE-3J – Failed entry level drug test, not drug dependent.
- RE-3K – Disenrolled from Naval Academy or other officer program.
- RE-3M – Ineligible for reenlistment in current rating.
- RE-3P – Physical disability (includes discharge and transfer to TDRL).
- RE-3Q – Disqualified for officer candidate training (not physically qualified for appointment as officer in the naval service).
- RE-3R – Not meeting the professional growth criteria (See reference (b) 1160-030).
- RE-3S – Surviving family member.
- RE-3U – Minority age.
- RE-3X – Non-swimmer.
- RE-3Y – Received Voluntary Separation Incentive (VSI).
- RE-3Z – Received Special Separation Benefit (SSB).
USN/USMC, RE-4 Ineligible for reenlistment.
USN/USMC, RE-5 USNR-R released after serving 90 or more days of Active Duty for training (ADT). Returned to Reserve unit/activity without reenlistment eligibility being determined.
USN/USMC, RE-6 Ineligible or denied reenlistment due to High Year Tenure.
USN/USMC, RE-7 Completing the initial 2-year active duty obligation under the 2×8 Navy Reserve Program.
USN/USMC, RE-8 Temporary medical conditions or unsatisfactory initial performance and conduct (available to recruits assigned to Recruit Training Command for initial training only).
Source: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/instructions/BUPERSInstructions/Documents/1900.8D.pdf