The Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test, or PFT, evaluates stamina and physical conditioning. It includes 3 parts: pull-ups or push-ups, crunches or plank pose, and a 3-mile timed run. Pull-ups and push-ups are essential to building the upper body strength necessary to win battles. Crunches and planks are critical to maintaining a strong core and being battle-ready at a moment’s notice. Males must complete the three-mile run in 28 minutes or less. Females must complete the three-mile run in 31 minutes or less.
The PFT is the Physical Fitness Test that all recruits must pass and sets the standards all Marines must maintain once a year to assess battle-ready physical conditioning. The test consists of:
- Pull-ups or Push-ups
- Timed Crunches or Plank
- Timed Three-mile Run
Sequence of Events. The sequence of PFT events will be left to the discretion of the CO. All PFT events will be conducted in a single session, not to exceed 2 hours in duration. Movement of Marines from one event to the next should allow adequate time to recover, stretch, and drink water.
Hybrid Pull-up / Push-up Test
This event gives Marines the option to do either pull-ups or push-ups. All Marines should be encouraged to do pull-ups as this is a better field test of dynamic upper body strength. Additionally, maximum points on the hybrid pull-up/push-up test can only be earned by doing pullups.
Prior to the hybrid pull-up/push-up test Marines will indicate to the FFI or CPTR if they will attempt pull-ups or push-ups.
Marines must score at least the minimum points on the event selected to pass this test. If unable to meet at least the minimum points, this constitutes a failure of this event and of the PFT.
Either pull-ups or push-ups will be conducted on this test. Push-up and pull-up scores cannot be combined for a total score on this event.
This is not a timed event and can be conducted either indoors or outdoors.
Diameter of the bar may range between 1 and 1 3/4 inches. The use of athletic tape on the bar is authorized.
The bar must be high enough to allow the tallest Marine’s legs to hang straight without touching the ground, when arms are fully extended.
Sweatshirts/running suit top or long sleeve shirt must be removed during the conduct of the pull-up event in order to observe the lockout of the elbows with each repetition.
The preparatory command is “Ready” and the execute command is “Begin.”
Assistance to the bar with a step up, being lifted up, or jumping up is authorized. Assistance up to the bar will not be used as momentum into the first pull-up.
The bar must be grasped with both palms facing either forward or to the rear. Gloves are authorized for wear, but wrist wraps are not authorized.
The correct starting position begins when arms are fully extended beneath the bar, feet are free from touching the ground or any bar mounting assist, and the body is motionless.
Legs may be positioned in a straight or bent position, but knees may not be raised above the waist.
One repetition consists of raising the body with the arms until the chin is above the bar and then lowering the body until the arms are fully extended; repeat as many repetitions as possible. At no time during the execution of this event can a Marine rest the chin on the bar.
The intent is to execute a vertical “dead hang” pull-up. A certain amount of inherent body movement will occur as the pull-up is executed. However, the intent is to avoid a pendulum-like motion that enhances the ability to execute the pull-up. Whipping, kicking, or kipping of the body or legs, or any leg movement used to assist in the vertical progression of the pull-up is not authorized. If observed, the repetition does not count for score.
A repetition will be counted when a correct and complete pull-up is performed.
The goal of this event is for Marines to execute as many correct and complete pull-ups before dropping off the bar.
This is a timed event to perform as many push-ups as possible in two minutes. This event can be conducted either indoors or outdoors.
Sweatshirts will be removed during the conduct of the push-up event to observe full extension of the arms and upper arms (above the elbow) parallel to the deck.
The preparatory command is “Ready” and the execute command is “Begin.”
On the command “Ready” the Marine will assume the front-leaning rest position by placing the hands where comfortable. The feet may be together or 12 inches apart (measured between the feet). When viewed from the side, the body should form a generally straight line from the shoulders to the ankles.
On the command “Begin”, begin the push-up by bending the elbows and lowering the entire body as a single unit until the upper arms are at least parallel to the ground. Then, return to the starting position by raising the entire body until the arms are fully extended. Marines may not rest their chest on the deck except as required to ensure that the upper arms are at least parallel to the deck.
The body must remain rigid in a generally straight line and move as a unit while performing each repetition.
At the end of each repetition, the scorer will state the number of repetitions completed correctly. If the Marine fails to keep the body generally straight, to lower the whole body until the upper arms are at least parallel to the ground, or to extend the arms completely, that repetition will not count, and the scorer will repeat the number of the last correctly performed repetition.
If the Marine fails to perform the first 10 push-ups correctly, the scorer will tell the Marine to go to the knees and will explain the deficiencies. The Marine will then be sent to the end of the line to be retested.
After the first 10 push-ups have been performed and counted, no restarts are allowed. The test will continue, and any incorrectly performed push-ups will not be counted.
An altered, front-leaning rest position is the only authorized rest position. That is, the Marine may sag in the middle or flex the back. When flexing the back, the knees may be bent, but not to such an extent that the Marine is supporting most of the body weight with the legs. If this occurs, the Marine’s performance will be terminated. The Marine must return to, and pause in the correct starting position before continuing.
If the Marine rests on the ground or raise either hand or foot from the ground, the performance will be terminated. The Marine may reposition the hands and/or feet during the event as long as they remain in contact with the ground at all times.
Click HERE for the Pull-up/Push-up Test Scoring Tables.
Abdominal Crunch
This is a timed event to do as many abdominal crunches as possible in two minutes. This event can be conducted either indoors or outdoors.
The preparatory command is “Ready” and the execute command is “Begin.”
On a flat surface, Marines will lie flat on their back with shoulder blades touching the deck, knees bent, and both feet flat on the deck. The feet and knees shall be no further than shoulder width apart.
Arms will be folded across the chest or rib cage with no gap between the arms and chest or rib cage. The hands must be in constant contact with the upper arm between the elbow and shoulder. Thumbs may be wrapped around the upper arm or together with the rest of the hand on top of the upper arm. Both arms must remain in constant contact with chest or rib cage throughout the exercise. A single repetition consists of raising the upper body from the starting position with shoulder blades touching the deck until both forearms or elbows simultaneously touch the thighs, and then return to the starting position with the shoulder blades touching the deck.
The buttocks will remain in constant contact with the deck throughout the event. No arching of the lower back or lifting of the buttocks is permitted.
An assistant may be used to hold a Marine’s legs or feet, at or below the knees in whatever manner that is most comfortable for the Marine, and does not interfere with the Marine’s ability to make contact with their thighs. Kneeling or sitting on the Marine’s feet is permitted.
A repetition will be counted when a correct and complete abdominal crunch is performed. The FFIs or CPTRs will ensure proper repetition counting is conducted.
The goal of this event is for Marines to execute as many correct and complete crunches within the two minute time limit.
The monitor to Marine ratio will be no more than seven Marines to one monitor. For recruit training and Officer Candidate School (OCS), the CGs of the MCRDs and Training Command have the authority to determine the correct monitor to recruit/candidate ratio that most effectively ensures the integrity of the event given the number of recruits/candidates participating and the drill instructor staff available. This authority may be delegated to the Commanding Officers of the Recruit Training Regiments and OCS.
Click HERE for the Abdominal Crunches Scoring Tables.
As with the hybrid pull-up/push-up test, Marines will be given the option of conducting either the plank or the abdominal crunch. Prior to execution of the PFT, Marines will indicate to the CPTR if they will attempt the plank or the abdominal crunch.
The event consists of maintaining a proper plank position for as long as possible or until the max time to earn 100 points. The plank shall be conducted on a firm or suitably padded, non-slip, level surface. The plank should be conducted as follows:
- To start the plank, elbows should be bent and lowered to the ground so that the forearms are lying flat on the ground, with the body in a straight line similar to a push-up position, with feet hip-width apart. Elbows should be aligned below the shoulders with forearms parallel to the body at about shoulder width distance. Hands must be on the ground, either in fists with pinky side of the hand touching the ground or lying flat with palms down.
- Hips should be lifted off the ground with feet flexed and the bottom of the toes on the ground. The back, buttocks, and legs shall be straight from head to heels and must remain so throughout the test.
- Toes, forearms, and fists or palms shall remain in contact with the floor, not a wall or other vertical support surface.
- Marines should look at the floor to keep the head in line with the shoulders, back, and legs.
- Once the Marine is in the correct position, the CPTR shall signal the start and call out 15 second time intervals until the completion of the exercise. Time is recorded with a stopwatch to the nearest second.
- The exercise is ended when the Marine: (1) touches the floor with any part of the body except the toes, forearms, fists or palms, (2) raises one or both feet or hands off the floor, or (3) fails to maintain the back, buttocks, and legs in a straight line from head to heels. With regard to item (3) and proper straight line from head to heels, FFIs or CPTRs are allowed, but not required, to give Marines one verbal warning for correction. Warnings will not be issued for items (1) and (2).
- Involuntary muscle spasms i.e. shaking, trembling, or quivering, resulting from maximum exertion during the course of the exercise is permitted as long as the proper plank position is maintained.
- Marines will hold this position for as long as possible or until the maximum time of four minutes, twenty seconds.
- The monitor to Marine ratio will be no more than seven Marines to one monitor. For recruit training and OCS, the CGs of the MCRDs and Training Command have the authority to determine the correct monitor to recruit/candidate ratio that most effectively ensures the integrity of the event given the number of recruits/candidates participating and the drill instructor staff available. This authority may be delegated to the Commanding Officers of the Recruit Training Regiments and OCS.
There is one scoring table for both male and female Marines for all age groups with a maximum of four minutes and twenty seconds and a minimum of one minute and three seconds.
Three Mile Run
This is a timed event and can be conducted either indoors or outdoors. Running this event on a treadmill is not authorized.
The run course will be three miles exactly (no variation authorized), must be measured for accuracy, and set over reasonably level ground. COs/OICs are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the PFT course length.
The preparatory command is “Ready” and the execute command is “Go.”
The course should be an “out and back” or a wide loop course. The run course should not include numerous sharp turns that would force a participant to slow down excessively to remain on the course. A determination as to whether the track is a yard or meter track must be made and the track measured to ensure accurate distance prior to conducting the PFT. Run courses should not require a Marine to do more than 12 laps to cover three miles, (e.g., a course should not be shorter than 440-yards per lap).
The goal of this event is for Marines to complete the measured course as quickly as possible.
Click HERE for the 3-Mile Run Scoring Tables.
Marines 46 years of age and older have the option to select rowing as an alternative aerobic event to the three mile run. This event must be taken on a “Concept 2 (C2)” brand rowing ergometer with a Performance Monitor 3 (PM3) or later performance monitor. No other ergometers are authorized.
Rowing is also authorized for other age groups in lieu of the three mile run, if recommended by a PHCP based on a medical condition and approved by the CO/OIC. Marines under the age of 46 whose medical condition necessitates rowing for more than two consecutive years will be referred to a MEB.
The event is a timed 5,000m row conducted in the following manner:
- The Marine rowing will take a seated position on the rower ready to begin.
- From the main menu of the performance monitor press the “Select Workout” button.
- Press the “Standard List” button and then select “5000m”, which will bring the screen to the “5000m” event page. A 5,000m event will not be completed on any other screen.
Click HERE for the Rowing Scoring Tables.
Minimum Fitness Requirements for PFT Events: Males: | |||
Age | Pull-Ups | Crunches | 3 Mile Run |
17-26 | 3 | 50 | 28:00 |
27-39 | 3 | 45 | 29.00 |
40-45 | 3 | 45 | 30.00 |
46+ | 3 | 40 | 33.00 |
Minimum Fitness Requirements for PFT Events: Females: | |||
Age | Flexed-Arm Hang | Crunches | 3 Mile Run |
17-26 | 15 Seconds | 50 | 31:00 |
27-39 | 15 Seconds | 45 | 32.00 |
40-41 | 15 Seconds | 45 | 33.00 |
46+ | 15 Seconds | 40 | 36.00 |
Marine Corps PFT Classification Scores – Male and Female | ||||
Class | Age 17-26 | Age 27-39 | Age 40-45 | Age 46+ |
1st | 225 | 200 | 175 | 150 |
2nd | 175 | 150 | 125 | 100 |
3rd | 135 | 110 | 88 | 65 |
Above Information Derived from Marine Corps Order (MCO) P6100-12
The minimum combined score required to pass the PFT is 150. The minimum performance in each PFT event will not achieve the overall points required for a passing score. Additional points must be earned in at least one event in order to achieve a 3rd class score. Failure to meet the minimum requirements in any one event constitutes a failure of the entire test, regardless of the total number of points earned.
Below shows the classification scores required, for all age groups. Marines are encouraged to continually strive to perform their best and not merely accept minimum performance.
PFT Classification Scores:
- 1st Class – 235 to 300
- 2nd Class – 200 to 234
- 3rd Class – 150 to 199
The official Marine Corps PFT calculator is found on MOL: https://mctims.usmc.mil/Homeport/Calculators/#!/pft. The 17-20 year old age group will be used to score all recruits on PFT performance, regardless of age. Age groups specific to an individual’s age will be used to score officer candidates, Basic and Warrant Officer Course students, and Midshipmen from the Naval Academy and Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps on PFT performance.
Note: If you fail to lose the required weight/body fat while enrolled in the Body Composition Program, you can ultimately be discharged from the United States Marine Corps.