The Advantages of Online Schooling for Armed Service Members
Goals, discipline, strategic planning, dedication, performance: these are not just words to members of the armed services but a way of life. On the job, armed service members are capable of formulating an effective plan of attack and carrying it out, no matter the cost or effort. These same men and women are also capable of creating and implementing plans for success in their personal lives.
One important element in the lives of most successful people is a college education. Yet, obtaining a degree can be quite difficult for armed service members to achieve considering the transient nature of their jobs. However, as research from the U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences shows, online schools provide the perfect solution for soldiers who want to get their degrees.
Taking classes online is great option for soldiers, especially those serving overseas, for a variety of reasons. For instance, oftentimes soldiers do not know where they will be stationed from one day to the next. This clearly makes it nearly impossible for them to take classes at a traditional college, where they must be in certain location at a particular time. Luckily, soldiers usually do have Internet access at places they are stationed, which provides them with the opportunity to take classes online. In fact it is not uncommon to visit desert camps and see a light on in many tents late at night where soldiers are studying lessons and giving thought to their homework.
Clearly, the biggest advantage of taking classes online is that it provides soldiers with the freedom to study whenever their schedule allows, as their course materials are available on the Internet 24-7. This way they can choose the best time to prepare and submit their homework. Likewise, if they have any questions regarding a lesson or assignment, an e-mail to their professor located thousands of miles away will be answered usually the same day. Finally, most online universities also have online libraries with full-text article databases, which makes researching and writing papers for class a breeze.
It is plain to see that while on active duty, online study is a great advantage for soldiers but they are not always in the battlefield. Soldiers often travel back to their home base to work and visit family members during emergencies or time-off. Likewise, armed service members also travel to military schools, away from their normal home for additional training. However, the same reasons that make taking classes online a good option for soldiers on active duty also make them a smart choice for armed service members on leave. If a soldier were tied to a brick-and-mortar institution, their extensive travel requirements would make it very difficult from them to complete their degree.
Ultimately a military career provides a soldier with excellent training in leadership, self-discipline, responsibility and loyalty. These are characteristics any private enterprise would want in a new employee. When soldiers finish their tour of duty, they enter the civilian world. This world welcomes them and their training but also expects them to have earned a college degree in their chosen field. As such, studying online is great way for soldiers to get an education while they travel and work to protect our land. That way they can defend America today while preparing for their future tomorrow.