Assignment Incentive Military Pay is the military’s preferred way to compensate troops from all services. Assignment Incentive Military Pay is often paid to service members for unusual assignment circumstances. Those service members who have involuntarily extended their tours in Iraq and Kuwait combat zones receive an additional $200 in hardship duty pay and another $800 in … [Read more...]
Special and Incentive Pay
Special and Incentive (S&I) pays provide the Services with flexible additional pays that can be used to address specific manning needs and other force management issues that cannot be efficiently addressed through basic pay increases. Click on Index of S&I Pays for a complete list and additional details of these pays. Unlike basic pay and allowances, which vary by … [Read more...]
2011 Military Clothing Allowance
NEW 2012 Military Clothing Allowance Rates Military Enlisted members are provided monetary allowances to pay for uniform replacement and maintenance. These allowances are based on the cost of specific uniform items, and on an estimated “wear out” date for each specific item. The clothing allowance typically is paid on the anniversary of the day members … [Read more...]
The Advantages of Online Schooling for Armed Service Members
The Advantages of Online Schooling for Armed Service Members Goals, discipline, strategic planning, dedication, performance: these are not just words to members of the armed services but a way of life. On the job, armed service members are capable of formulating an effective plan of attack and carrying it out, no matter the cost or effort. These same men and women are also … [Read more...]
Military Debt Relief Plans & How They Help
Military Debt Relief Plans - How They Help in Eliminating Debt Receiving sudden deployment letters can be a frustrating experience for military families. Sudden deployment can be very stressful by itself, but in most cases the soldier can be leaving behind some financial worries - keeping the soldier and his family trapped in the vicious cycle of credit card debt. Just as … [Read more...]