Pay off your debt through various services offered by DDS. You can learn about debt consolidation, debt settlement and other debt services and programs that will get you on your way to debt relief! Debt Counselors are waiting to talk to you about getting out of debt and going over valuable debt management tools. … [Read more...]
Military Friendly Discount Debt Solutions
Pay off your debt through various military friendly services offered by DDS. You can learn about debt consolidation, debt settlement and other debt services and programs that will get you on your way to debt relief! Debt Counselors are waiting to talk to you about getting out of debt and going over valuable debt management tools. … [Read more...]
Life Insurance Myths That Can Cost You
June 2012 Courtesy of USAA Life insurance is an important part of a well-rounded financial plan. But let's face it — it can also be confusing. In fact, misunderstandings about life insurance cause many people to skip the coverage altogether, putting their families at great risk for financial hardship. Here, we set the record straight on seven common myths about life … [Read more...]
2012 Military Clothing Allowance
Military Enlisted members are provided monetary allowances to pay for uniform replacement and maintenance. These allowances are based on the cost of specific uniform items, and on an estimated “wear out” date for each specific item. The clothing allowance typically is paid on the anniversary of the day members entered the military. People with fewer than three years … [Read more...]
2012 Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS)
Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) is meant to offset costs for a member's meals. BAS entitlement continues for service members while hospitalized. This allowance is based in the historic origins of the military in which the military provided room and board (or rations) as part of a member's pay. This allowance is not intended to offset the costs of meals for family members. … [Read more...]