Basic Pay According to the Department of Defense announcement on December 22, 2014 in Washington D.C., most service members will receive a one percent pay raise in basic pay. For example, an E-4 that has 3 years of service will see an increase in basic pay of $22.20 per month. An O-3 with 6 years of service will receive a basic pay increase of $54.30 per month in 2015. General … [Read more...]
Don’t Miss the Roth TSP Deadline
01-19-2015 07:00 AM Content provided courtesy of USAA. by Tim Kiesow, CFP®, ChFC® If you’re in the active-duty Army, Navy or Air Force and contributing to a Roth TSP account, here’s a worthwhile New Year’s resolution: Do a little paperwork in January so you can keep putting away money for retirement. These service branches will … [Read more...]
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA)
The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act is designed to allow military members to devote their full attention to their military duties. When servicemembers are fighting to secure our freedom in America, the last thing they want are distractions when it comes to civil obligations back home. The original relief act was passed by Congress during World War I. At the time it was … [Read more...]
Military Friendly Debt Consolidation
What exactly is Debt Consolidation? This method if debt management takes all your existing debts and puts them into one debt consolidation loan. It's an attractive method for getting out of debt but isn't without it's own risks. There are a number of debt consolidation programs and you should consider all your options when choosing the best method for your needs. Typically a … [Read more...]
Paying Off Debt
Wether you are in the Military or a civilian everyone gets into debt from time to time. Debt can vary from a modest credit card balance to a crushing school loan or owing the IRS. While each type may have it's own issues the basic principles of getting out of debt are the same: paying down the debt while not adding new debt. Below are some of the ways you can get pay off your … [Read more...]