JUNE 28, 2019 - Effective May 29, the Army will no longer pay claims for personal property loss due to weather and natural disasters. On May 29, Secretary of the Army Mark T. Esper signed Army Directive 2019-21, Restrictions on Personnel Claims Payments, eliminating payments to Soldiers and Department of the Army civilians for damage or destruction of personal property … [Read more...]
Sailors Encouraged to Take Advance Travel Pay During PCS Moves
JUNE 7, 2019 - The summer season is a very busy time for permanent change of station (PCS) moves for Sailors and their families. While uprooting and moving somewhere different can be challenging, the Navy is overhauling the PCS experience to reduce the stress for Sailors and their families. One of these improvements is streamlining the existing travel advance process. … [Read more...]
DFAS Explains Civilian Relocation Tax Changes
MARCH 14, 2019, Sembach Kaserne, Germany - The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed in December 2017 made the majority of government civilian employee relocation entitlements taxable, causing some concern and confusion over what elements would be taxed. The Defense Finance and Accounting Service and U.S. Army's Personnel Division held a town hall here to provide transparency and … [Read more...]
Tax Prep Warning
MARCH 8, 2019, Camp Pendleton, CA - With the 2019 tax season underway, Camp Pendleton is warning service members to be aware of tax preparation companies that may hide behind clever military titles and trick them into signing up for services they do not want. Recently, upon recommendation of the MCI –West Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB), the Commanding … [Read more...]
Military Saves Week 2019
FEBRUARY 25, 2019 - Military Saves is an initiative of America Saves, a partner of the U.S. Department of Defense Financial Readiness Campaign. The observance is focused on the financial readiness of military members and their Families. The theme for Military Saves Week, observed from Feb. 25 through Mar. 2, 2019, is Start Small. Think Big. The week is an opportunity for the … [Read more...]