What is Activation? As a Soldier in the Army Reserve, part of your job is to defend our country and uphold our freedoms. World events may create a need for you to be called into Active Duty.
In support of Operations Iraqi Freedom, Noble Eagle and Enduring Freedom, Army Reserve Soldiers have been activated and deployed throughout the United States and overseas.
Activation is when an Army Reserve Soldier is called to serve in the Army full time. Activation can put you in an Army job within the United States or you may be deployed to foreign soil.
Once activated, Army Reserve Soldiers can only serve a maximum of two years Active Duty. As an activated or deployed Army Reserve Soldier, you receive the same pay as Soldiers of the same rank on Active Duty, and you may be entitled to additional types of pay and if you have any dependents, a Family Separation Allowance.
Activation of Units
Units organized to serve, as units must be activated as units. A unit is any group or detachment of two or more individuals organized to perform a particular function, whether or not such a group is part of a larger group. Individual Soldiers of the Ready Reserve may be ordered to active duty under this authority if they are not members of units organized to serve as units. During the period of active duty under this authority, National Guard and Reserve forces are part of the active armed forces of the United States. A Derivative Unit Identification Code (DUIC) may be created to form a tailored force to meet Forces Command (FORSCOM) defined requirements when a full parent unit is not required. A DUIC is issued based on approval by HQDA, G-3.