The U.S. Army is made of committed Enlisted Soldiers and Officers serving together to protect America's freedoms and to preserve the peace. This kind of commitment makes each and every one of these Soldiers the embodiment of selfless service. In the simplest terms, the Army has three categories of Soldiers: Enlisted Soldiers, Warrant Officers and Commissioned Officers. Each … [Read more...]
Step 3 : Talk To A Recruiter
Talking to an Army Recruiter is a good opportunity to ask specific questions that relate to your situation. Recruiters will make it easy to find out if the Army is right for you. They will help you to tailor your Army experience to meet your goals, wants and needs. Whether it is Active Duty or Army Reserve, or a certain length of service you are interested they will help you … [Read more...]
Step 1 : Is the Army Right for You?
It is important to view any career change objectively. When deciding if you should join the Army consider factors such as the job, life style, location, benefits, and opportunities. The Job If you become a soldier in the U.S. Army you will be responsible for providing expeditionary land forces wherever and whenever they are required. You will be expected to live up … [Read more...]
Selective Service System
KNOW THE FACTS What is Selective Service Registration? Registration is the process by which the U.S. government collects names and addresses of men age 18 through 25 to use in case a national emergency requires rapid expansion of the Armed Forces. Virtually all male U.S. citizens, regardless of where they live, and male immigrants, whether documented or undocumented, … [Read more...]
Special Missions
The Army Special Operations units perform the military operations that are outside the normal capabilities of conventional forces. Conventional forces consist of masses of tanks, masses of men, heavy equipment and artillery while special operations forces go after those things that larger organizations are incapable of handling because of their inflexibility and … [Read more...]