APFT Conditioning Drills Source: Department of the Army Field Manual, FM 21-20 Physical Fitness Training Some large units prefer to use sets of sets, soldiers do as many repetitions of calisthenic exercises as part of their PT an exercise as possible in the allowed sessions. Figure 7-4 shows three calisthenic conditioning drills for both the poorly conditioned and physically … [Read more...]
APFT Calisthenics
APFT Calisthenics Source: Department of the Army Field Manual, FM 21-20 Physical Fitness Training Calisthenics can be used to exercise most of the major muscle groups of the body. They can help develop coordination, CR and muscular endurance, flexibility, and strength. Poorly-coordinated soldiers, however, will derive the greatest benefit from many of these … [Read more...]
What Branch of Service is Right for Me?
December 15, 2009 By SGT Michael Volkin Boot Camp is a lot tougher than one can imagine. For most people, deciding which branch of service to join isn't difficult. Perhaps you come from a family with a long tradition of joining the Marines, or you would like to follow in your brother's footsteps and join the Navy. Military family tradition is certainly well acknowledged in … [Read more...]
What It Is Like Being A Soldier
As a Soldier in the U.S. Army, you're tasked with upholding the Constitution and protecting America's freedoms. But it's not always work"Soldiers have free time just like everyone else to spend with friends and family, or take part in sports or hobbies. Soldiers continually strengthen themselves … [Read more...]
What to Learn BEFORE Going to Bootcamp
* Updated November 2015 Before you to Army Basic Training, you may want to become familiar with the following four: The Soldier's Creed, General Orders, Code of Conduct, and Soldier's Code. Drill Sergeants have a way of using selective new recruits to demonstrate the failings of civilian society for the rest of the recruits, and -- if you can possibly help it -- you don't … [Read more...]