Physical Standards for Enlistment, Appointment, and Induction
This article describes DOD Directive 6130.3, Physical Standards for Appointment, Enlistment, and Induction, December 15, 2000, and DOD Instruction 6130.4, Medical Standards for Appointment, enlistment, or Induction in the Armed Forces, January 18, 2005.
Application and Responsibilities
a. The purpose of the standards are to ensure that individuals medically qualified are”
- Free of contagious diseases that would likely endanger the health of other personnel.
- Free of medical conditions or physical defects that would require excessive time lost from duty for necessary treatment or hospitalization or would likely result in separation from the Army for medical unfitness.
- Medically capable of satisfactorily completing required training.
- Medically adaptable to the military environment without the necessity of geographical area limitations.
- Medically capable of performing duties without aggravation of existing physical defects or medical conditions.
b. This article prescribes the medical conditions and physical defects that are causes for rejection for appointment, enlistment, and induction into military service. Unless otherwise stipulated, the conditions listed are those that would be disqualifying by virtue of current diagnosis, or for which the candidate has a verified past medical history. Other standards may be prescribed by DOD in the event of mobilization or a national emergency. Those individuals found medically qualified based on the medical standards that were in effect prior to this publication will not be disqualified solely on the basis of the new standards. The designated waiver authorities may grant waivers for selection or continuation in the programs described below, provided the individual meets the retention standards.
c. These standards apply to –
- Applicants for appointment as commissioned or warrant officers in the Active Army and RC, including appointment as a Soldier in the USAR or the Army National Guard of the United States (ARNG/ARNGUS). This includes enlisted Soldier applicants for appointment as commissioned or warrant officers. (However, for officers of the ARNG/ARNGUS or USAR who apply for appointment in the Active Army, the standards of chap 3 are applicable.)
- Applicants for enlistment in the Active Army. For medical conditions or physical defects predating original enlistment, these standards are applicable for enlistees’ first 6 months of active duty. (However, for enlisted Soldiers of the ARNG/ARNGUS or USAR who apply for enlistment in the Active Army or who re-enter active duty for training (ADT) under the “split-training” option, the standards of chapter 3 are applicable.)
- Enlisted Soldiers identified within the first 6 months of active duty with a condition that existed prior to service that does not meet the standards of chapter 2 may be separated (or receive a waiver to remain on active duty) following an evaluation by an Entrance Physical Standards Board, in accordance with AR 635-200, chapter 5, with the exception as noted in (b), below.
- Enlisted Soldiers identified within the first 6 months of active duty with a condition that existed prior to service that does not meet the standards of chapter 2 or chapter 3 must be evaluated by a medical evaluation board (MEB). The Soldier will then be referred to a physical evaluation board (PEB) unless the Soldier waives his or her right to the PEB in accordance with AR 635-40.
- Applicants for enlistment in the RC and Federally recognized units or organizations of the ARNG/ARNGUS. For medical conditions or physical defects predating original enlistment, these standards are applicable during the enlistees’ initial period of ADT.
- Applicants for reenlistment in the Active Army, RC, and ARNG/ARNGUS after a period of more than 6 months has elapsed since discharge.
- Applicants (civilian applicants or enlisted Soldier applicants) for the USMA, Scholarship or Advanced Course ROTC, USUHS, Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP), Officer Candidate School (OCS), Warrant Officer Candidate School, and all other Army special officer personnel procurement programs. (See chap 3 for retention of students in HPSP and USUHS programs.)
- Retention of cadets and midshipmen at the United States Armed Forces academies and students enrolled in ROTC. (However, the Commander, ROTC Cadet Command or the Superintendent, USMA has the authority to grant medical waivers for continuation in these programs, provided the cadet meets the retention standards of chap 3.)
- All individuals being inducted into the Army.
d. The Secretary of the Army will be responsible and will –
- Revise Army policies to conform to the standards contained in DOD Directive 6130.3 and DOD Instruction 6130.4.
- Ensure uniformity of application and implementation of DOD Instruction 6130.4.
- Have authority to grant a waiver of the standards in individual cases for applicable reasons and ensure uniformity of waiver determinations. Delegated waiver authorities are noted in chapter 1.
- Have authority to change Army-specific visual standards (particularly for officer-accession programs) and establish other standards for special programs. Notification of any proposed changes in standards will be provided to the ASD(HA) 60 days before their implementation.
- Ensure that accurate International Classification of Disease (ICD) Codes are assigned to all medical conditions resulting in a personnel action such as medical waiver or medical separation.
- Eliminate inconsistencies and inequities based on race, sex, or examination location in the application of the standards.
e. Medical conditions. The disqualifying medical conditions are listed in paragraphs 2-3 through 2-37, below. (The ICD codes are listed in parentheses following each standard in chap 2.) Unless otherwise stipulated, the conditions listed in paragraphs 2-3 through 2-37, below, are those that would be disqualifying by virtue of current diagnosis, or for which the candidate has a verified past medical history.
View a listing of all Enlisting Requirements :
Enlisting Requirements – Blood
Enlisting Requirements – Abdominal Organs
Enlisting Requirements – Dental
Enlisting Requirements – Ears
Enlisting Requirements – Hearing
Enlisting Requirements – Endocrine
Enlisting Requirements – Extremities
Enlisting Requirements – Eyes and Vision
Enlisting Requirements – Genitalia
Enlisting Requirements – Urinary System
Enlisting Requirements – Head and Neck
Enlisting Requirements – Heart and Vascular
Enlisting Requirements – Height and Weight
Enlisting Requirements – Lungs
Enlisting Requirements – Mouth
Enlisting Requirements – Neurological Disorders
Enlisting Requirements – Skin and Cellular Tissue
Enlisting Requirements – Spine
Enlisting Requirements – Systematic Disorders
Enlisting Requirements – Tumors and Defects