OCTOBER 5, 2022 – In today’s day and age, social media has become a whole new way of life for many of us. Its evolution has brought a revolutionary change in how we use the internet – for both personal and professional purposes – and has become an integral part of how we communicate with the rest of the world. Recognized as Cybersecurity Awareness Month, the month of October … [Read more...]
General Stresses Importance of Army Voting Program
SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 - Every ballot, every vote counts! That’s the message U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Gregory S. Johnson, 63rd The Adjutant General of the Army (aka “The TAG”) wants Soldiers and family members stationed in the continental United States and overseas to understand as the 2022 U.S. mid-term elections rapidly approach. Johnson shares on his views on the Army’s voting … [Read more...]
History of Snipers in the U.S. Army
OCTOBER 3, 2022 - Everyone knows what is a sniper, but not everyone has information about the history of this specialty. To fill this information gap, it is necessary to get acquainted with each stage of the formation of the profession, from ancient times to our days. This will help to learn more about the art of sniping and outstanding personalities who influenced world … [Read more...]
Building Shelters For Homeless Veterans as a Business Owner
SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 - Homeless shelters are a good way to help the homeless veterans and others at risk of becoming homeless. You might wonder why you should invest in building as a business owner. Investing in homeless shelters is an excellent idea and will benefit everyone involved. This post will discuss why investing in homeless shelters is a good business decision. … [Read more...]
September is National Preparedness Month
SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 – September is National Preparedness Month and, as part of this campaign, the Arnold Engineering Development Complex Office of Emergency Management team wants to remind the AEDC workforce how important it is to be prepared in the event of an emergency. In 2014, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, began National Preparedness Month as its … [Read more...]