August 15, 2017, by Brooke Faulkner - Members of the military benefit from some financial protections, such as a limit on the amount of interest and fees a lender can charge as well as protections from lease cancellations, evictions, and repossessions. However, a survey by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling suggests that the average military family has about $500 … [Read more...]
Taking Care Resources When Employees are Called to Serve – HR Responsibilities
August 14, 2017, by Henry Kingston - Humans are the most important resource of any organization. Whether small sized or large sized, all employees are hands in that organization, and with these hands an employer gets things done. There are many different types of employees working in any organization. In some organizations people working belong to reserve forces. A reservist … [Read more...]
The History of the Second Amendment and Our Right to Bear Arms
August 10, 2017, by Sam Bocetta - In 1883, Joseph Story said, “The right of a citizen to keep and bear arms has justly been considered the palladium of the liberties of a republic, since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers, and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and … [Read more...]
National Purple Heart Appreciation Day
August 7, 2017 - Today is National Purple Heart Appreciation Day. This is the day that we honor United States military members who received the Purple Heart after being wounded or killed in service to our country. There are a lot of service medals out there, and sometimes they can get confusing. But did you know the Purple Heart is the only award service members are entitled … [Read more...]
Declaring War on Veteran Homelessness
July 28, 2017, by Brooke Faulkner – In 2009, Erin Shinseki, the then-Veterans Affairs Secretary, ran a large campaign on veteran homelessness in an effort to bring the number of homeless veterans down to zero by 2016 and the number of medical claims processed to 100 percent. Neither goal has been met but new systems have been put into place and the numbers are looking better … [Read more...]