JUNE 4, 2020 - Commanders, Please ensure wide distribution of this message. The death of George Floyd is a national tragedy. Every American should be outraged that the conduct exhibited by police in Minneapolis can still happen in 2020. We all wish it were not possible for racism to occur in America, a country founded on the sacred ideal that "all men (and women) are … [Read more...]
CNO Message to Sailors
JUNE 4, 2020 - Last night, Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Mike Gilday in a self-recorded video spoke to Sailors about the death of Mr. George Floyd and the subsequent unrest across the country. To watch the CNO’s message, please visit this link. Below is the text of his message: “Good evening, I wanted to take a few moments to talk to our Navy family – our … [Read more...]
A Message to the Army Community About Civil Unrest
JUNE 4, 2020 - Dear Soldiers, Civilians, Family members and Soldiers for Life: Over the past week, the country has suffered an explosion of frustration over the racial divisions that still plague us as Americans. And because your Army is a reflection of American society, those divisions live in the Army as well. We feel the frustration and anger. We felt it this week while … [Read more...]
Air Force Photo Contest Launches July 1
MAY 19, 2020 - The 2020 Air Force Photo Contest is set to launch July 1, following a short delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “We did a quick check of our program and revised the theme to better reflect what our Airmen and families are going through right now,” said Darlene Johnson, community and leisure programs manager at the Air Force Services Center. The theme for … [Read more...]
Sailors, Marines, Civilians Beware of Card-Cracking Scams
APRIL 9, 2020 - NCIS has recently observed increased reporting from service members facing severe financial losses after falling victims to card-cracking scams initiated via social media with promises of getting out of debt and making extra money. There are two primary methods used to establish contact with potential victims. One version involves a social media post or … [Read more...]