November 3, 2015, by Rachelle Scott – How would you like to celebrate Veterans Day? My guess is that it involves cooking a delicious meal at some point of the day. After all, holidays are the best time to try out new recipes, warm our hearts, and satisfy our bellies!
How about trying out some patriotic recipes in honor of the military members in country? If a Veteran is willing to join you to devour your home-cooked meal, all the better! We’ve gathered some of the best ideas for Veterans Day recipes that you need to try out! Here goes the list…
Navy Potatoes:

This one I got from allrecipes added by Wendell. According to the contributor, this was her father’s favorite recipe while he served in WWII. The best part about this recipe is that it doesn’t require too many ingredients, doesn’t take too long to cook, and tastes delicious! However, I’d advise that if you’re trying this out at home, this will work best as a side-dish like an appetizer or a starter. Check out the full recipe here.
Steak with Gorgonzola Butter/Sauce:

A Veteran would love to join the table for a steak! This all-American food dish is one that a Veteran would certainly miss while serving abroad. Babble quotes Staff Sgt. Landon Hall and how he stated that the thing he looked most forward to after going back home was his family and a steak dinner. Try this one out as a main course meal. Check out the recipe here.
Chicken Pot Pie:

Looking for something simple and sweet? If you’re not interested in a really fancy dinner, try out this recipe that’s basically an all-in-one, classical American food dish. Once they break that crusty coating to discover a filling of vegetables, chicken, and gravy, they’d want nothing more than to take bite. Check out this recipe at About.com.
The Rocket:

Let’s not forget a patriotic drink. Here’s another one I found on allrecipes contributed by Kitchen Witch. There’s no denying how much Americans love a plain old slush drink. If you plan on treating your kids on this holiday, don’t forget to try this one out! I especially love the fact that you can make this drink not only resemble the colors of the American flag (red, blue and white), but also taste amazing with raspberry and curacao flavors. Yumm! Check out the full recipe here.
Triple Cream Mac and Cheese:

Why not treat your family or military members with simple ol’ mac and cheese? Plenty of U.S. Navy recruits enjoy this meal during their deployment. The taste and simplicity of making and heating it is what makes it so popular among military men. Whether you’re at home, inviting a Veteran, having some write my dissertation, or shipping this recipe abroad to a member, you’ll manage to find an audience that will love it. You can try out this recipe or find one here.
Classic American Apple Pie:

Let’s round it all up with a something sweet! I think a classic sweet dish on Veterans Day is a great idea to bring out that patriot in all of us. And Apple pie is perfect for this purpose. Can you smell the apples with a hint of cinnamon and brown sugar in the oven, already? I can, just thinking about it. A Veteran might have had difficulty accessing this one during deployment, so why not treat their taste buds with this? I was looking for a detailed recipe for this one and I found the perfect one here at jocooks. Check it out!
Author Bio: Rachelle Scott takes great interest in writing insightful blogs on subject matters related to our Veteran society and military and ex-military personnel. When not writing, she works as a social media analyst at a marketing firm.