Coast Guard Basic Training requires you to learn a lot of information. Your time at basic training is packed and the time you have for studying is very limited. If you do not learn the required knowledge below before you go, you will be stressed while trying to learn it at Cape May. Just listen to me and learn it now. You can thank me later.
- Know Your Chain of Command
- Eleven General Orders
- Nautical and Military Terminology
- Military Phonetic Alphabet
- The Position of Attention
- Salutes
- Addressing Military Personnel
- Military Time
Keys To Success
The following list provides a few examples of things you need to do to be successful in training.
Act with Honor
You are now subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Lying, cheating, or stealing will not be tolerated. If you do something wrong, or make a mistake, do not hide it or lie, own up to it. Violating our core values can have serious consequences.
Take Things Seriously
Make no mistake, we are serious about training you to become an effective member of the armed forces. If you make light of what your Company Commander is trying to teach, you will find yourself on the receiving end of some STERN discipline. This is not the place for jokes.
Build Up Your Physical Condition
Many recruits find our physical fitness program to be less strenuous than their regular one. That is great. Many others find it very difficult. Get in shape, but build up slowly, you do not want to hurt yourself.
Follow Orders
One of the things you will learn in recruit training is how to obey all orders quickly, willingly and without question. Get used to it. It will assist you in recruit training and in your Coast Guard career.