OCTOBER 28, 2022 – You might have retired from your position in the military, but no matter what you did or what branch you served in, you probably have a burning desire to serve and work with others.
The military is all about helping others and protecting and serving, especially those who cannot do so themselves. So a career in the hospitality field might be what you need if you find yourself restless and need to do something.
A career in hospitality is a great way to keep serving, and it might also not be as stressful as your time in the service as well! Here are some of the best hospitality careers to consider after retiring from the military.
1. Look For A Restaurant Career
If you were in the military, there is a good chance that you learned to peel some things! But a kitchen can be a very comforting place for those who are used to a more hectic pace of life where they have a role and someone working above them. Jobs in the restaurant often involve heavy teamwork and also the need for everyone to carry their weight in order to find success.
Plus, while working in the restaurant, you can also adapt and work to figure out what can benefit the restaurant. While you might not be working with national security and coming up with new ideas for the defense of a nation, you can figure out ways to bring customers in the door or turn your mind to some tactics to get tips going into the tip jar!
For example, you can leverage your military service by mentioning it to customers in hopes of gaining some recognition and potentially a bigger tip.
You might be able to whip the restaurant you are working in into shape and can turn the chefs and waiters into your brand-new platoon!
2. Focus On Working In A Retirement Home For Vets
While a lot of focus is put on what you are fighting for in the service, it can be humbling to look at all the people who took up the flag and the fight before you did. Plus, these veterans might know what you are going through, might have similar stories, and may have served at the same places you did.
Finding a retirement home or a service like the Wounded Warriors Project where you are around veterans and talking to them about what they need from you can be cathartic for everyone involved. Look around for a place where you can serve others who might be dealing with the same problems that you are, and you will be surprised at what you might find.
3. Work With Those Displaced By Natural Disasters
Finally, while not a warzone, sometimes a natural disaster can look like one and can have the same effect. Destroyed homes, damaged buildings, and displaced innocents who need to leave the area right away.
Serving those who were displaced and giving them supplies or even providing rescue services can simulate what life was like in the military and can also help you solve problems closer to home as well.
Don’t Stop Serving Your Country
Picking up a weapon and defending your country from enemies that are without can be a wonderful profession and a calling, but sometimes once you are done fighting you can turn your attention to the various problems within your country. Then you can get back to serving others and making people’s lives better through your skills and your acts.
It is another way to serve your country and the people within it, and it will likely bring you the same happiness and results as your time in the service did.