SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 - The Department of Defense has temporarily authorized increases in the 2021 Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) rates for 56 housing markets (commonly referred to as Military Housing Areas, MHAs) across the U.S. Uniformed service members who have incurred increased housing costs above their current BAH may be eligible to apply and receive BAH at the … [Read more...]
Federal Benefits For Veterans Who Served In Panama Canal Zone
AUGUST 19, 2021 - U.S. Representatives Marie Newman (D-IL-03) and María Elvira Salazar (R-FL-27) introduced legislation to provide federal benefits to veterans who served in or near the Panama Canal Zone and may have been exposed to deadly herbicide, also known as Agent Purple or Agent Orange, which was used by the military in this area during the 1950's, 1960's and 1970's. … [Read more...]
Navy Exchange’s NEXTgen Scholars Program Support Students
The Navy Exchange Service Command’s (NEXCOM) NEXTgen Scholars Program offers qualified students the opportunity to win $2,500, $1,500, $1,000 or $500 each quarter for earning good grades in school. The next drawing is in September 2021. To enter the drawing, students must be full-time with a “B” grade point average equivalent or better, as determined by their school system. … [Read more...]
Air Force Approves Special Leave Accrual For FY 2021
JULY 26, 2021 - Air Force and Space Force members performing active service, and Reserve and Guard Airmen on Title 10 or Title 32 orders, can now accrue up to 120 days of annual leave for fiscal year 2021 instead of the typical 60 days of leave. Members will automatically be approved for the special leave accrual and can carry over use or lose leave earned Oct. 1, 2020 … [Read more...]
Expanded Child Care Options Provide Relief For Parents
JULY 19, 2021 - Life in the military provides unique challenges for parents compared to their civilian counterparts as at times, families are separated for extended periods. To help alleviate stress during these difficult times, the military provides free childcare for military families, and offset associated costs in the absence of extended family members who may otherwise … [Read more...]