MAY 3, 2023 - The Overseas Cost-of-Living Allowance (OCOLA) is an allowance that ensures our Service members who are assigned to a permanent duty station outside the contiguous U.S. (OCONUS) (i.e., foreign countries, U.S. territories, Alaska, and Hawaii) maintain the same level of purchasing power as Service members stationed in CONUS locations — not less purchasing power, but … [Read more...]
Helping You Navigate Your TRICARE Benefits
APRIL 27, 2023 - The U.S. Department of Defense health care program, also known as TRICARE, provides medical insurance benefits to servicemembers, DOD civilians, retirees, and their families. For those unaccustomed to it, navigating the intricacies of TRICARE can be a confusing and daunting task. Kaitlyn Leite, TRICARE liaison for the 5th Medical Group at Minot AFB, … [Read more...]
Pay Attention to New Survivor Benefit Plan Opportunities
APRIL 28, 2023 - After repealing the widow’s tax in 2019 and gradually phasing it out over the past three years, Congress has authorized a once-in-a-generation open enrollment period for the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP). These circumstances have created a unique and valuable opportunity for veterans and their families to adjust their retirement plan for greater security and … [Read more...]
Child Survivor Benefit Plan Coverage Considerations
APRIL 13, 2023 - Planning for retirement is exciting, but it can get complicated quickly. Trained Retirement Services Officers (RSOs) are ready to give you the information you need to make informed decisions. Make sure to bring your spouse to all retirement planning sessions so that you both hear the same information. Sometimes spouses hear things differently or focus on … [Read more...]
Army Emergency Relief Gives Dollars to Soldiers
APRIL 12, 2023 – When life takes an unexpected turn and money runs short, some may feel there is nowhere to turn in their time of need. Army Emergency Relief (AER) recognizes these difficult times and is here to help by supplying funds in the form of grants, scholarships, and zero-interest loans to Soldiers and family members for exactly these situations. “AER is all about … [Read more...]