OCTOBER 30, 2023 – The Department of Defense SkillBridge program bridges the gap between military service and civilian careers in a time where the military-transition landscape is centric to success after service as highlighted in the joint Senate Armed Services Committee and Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee hearing on October 18, 2023 – “Military to Civilian Transition: Ensuring Success after Service.”
With a commitment to program process improvements and responsiveness, the DoD Military-Civilian Transition Office (MCTO) hosted roundtable sessions with small businesses, national employers, and third-party sponsors over the past month to understand the challenges, best practices, and perspectives of DoD authorized SkillBridge organizations. Two round table forums were hosted at the Mark Center in Alexandria, VA on October 25, 2023.
Employers of all sizes participated, shared their own experiences and insights on SkillBridge. Conversations were driven by a common goal – understanding how the program can evolve to better serve both Service members and employers. Participants unanimously agreed on the unique strengths – such as leadership, adaptability, and a strong work ethic – that military service instills. One third-party sponsor remarked, “SkillBridge is revolutionizing employment, allowing employers to witness the strength of military talent.”
Discussions explored potential improvements to advance SkillBridge. This included enhancements to employer data collection systems and monitoring companies’ success rates to transform SkillBridge into an even more effective tool with evidence-based outcomes benefitting transitioning Service members and a broader spectrum of quality employers.
Honorable Ashish S. Vazirani, Acting Under Secretary for Personnel and Readiness, recognizes MCTO’s commitment to further improve DoD SkillBridge for Service members as noted in his written testimony this month.
“The DoD is conducting employer and stakeholder outreach engagements to ensure that the next evolution of SkillBridge is fully informed by Department, military services, Service member, and industry partner assessments and requirements,” said Vazirani.
Industry partners also expressed the importance of improved communication between DoD SkillBridge program administrators at the Service level. Noting that an enhanced matchmaking process between employers and Service members make for a smooth transition into the civilian workforce. This involves identifying skill gaps, setting clear expectations, and offering support during the Service member training period.
Open discussion on the future of SkillBridge illuminated the program’s capacity to transform the post-military employment landscape for military personnel looking to establish successful civilian careers. Dr. Yashika Neaves, MCTO Chief of Strategic Plans & Initiatives, plans to “keep lines of communication open” with stakeholders to foster stronger connections between DoD, employers and Service level SkillBridge program administrators.
DoD SkillBridge plays a pivotal role in bridging the skills gap between military service and civilian employment. The roundtable discussions marked a significant step in the right direction following the May 1, 2023 realignment of SkillBridge within the Department, ensuring that SkillBridge opportunities remain relevant, adaptable, and supportive for all involved. The future is bright for DoD SkillBridge and employer insight is essential to shaping the best possible outcomes for future veterans.
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DoD, Military-Civilian Transition Office