In the Army Basic Combat Training (BCT) is a nine-week training course (not including the “Reception” week) where recruits go through the process of becoming full-fledged Soldiers. Throughout the process, you will learn new rules, how to trust yourself and what it means to be an Army of One. If you tackle Basic Training with a positive attitude and a will to succeed, you will walk away from the nine weeks physically fit with the skills you need to stay ahead.
Get Ready for Basic Training in the Army.
Do your research and get ahead by knowing what to expect. If you prepare mentally and physically you will have an edge in the nine week process.
- What’s it like?
- What to bring?
- What not to bring?
- Height and Weight Requirements
- Army Physical Fitness Test
- Push Ups
- Sit Ups
- 2-mile Run
Below is your week to week guide of exactly will be going on during Army BCT.
WEEK 00: RECEPTION This is where your civilian life becomes part of the Army world. In the first week you will bid farewell to family get your new Army haircut and make sure you are physically fit.
WEEK 01: FALL IN Classroom instruction begins. It is now time to understand new rules, regulations and processes involved in being in the Army.
WEEK 02: DIRECTION Leaving the classroom for the field, it’s time to test your physical and mental endurance. You will also get trained in First Aid and map reading.
WEEK 03: ENDURANCE One thing you’ll learn in Week 03 is to believe in the mantra: mind over matter. Physical and mental challenges build as you start simulated combat drills.
WEEK 04: MARKSMANSHIP Learning to shoot a rifle is more than pulling the trigger. Marksmanship courses teach new recruits not only the proper way to hold a weapon, but also how to breathe and stand while firing are equally important.
WEEK 05: TRIALS This is where the previous weeks’ work pays off: tests in endurance and marksmanship await all recruits.
WEEK 06: CAMARADERIE Each recruit is only as strong as his platoon. During Week 06, bonds are tested and trust exercises implemented.
WEEK 07: CONFIDENCE Hand grenade training; live fire exercises; foot marching; and overall physical fitness are tested in the Confidence Course.
WEEK 08: VICTORY FORGE It’s time to put everything you’ve learned up to this point to the real test: a three-day field retreat to Victory Forge.
WEEK 09: GRADUATION All your hard work has led you to this day. Family and friends eagerly await to see you complete your Basic Training course.