Family Member Appointing Authorities are not an entitlement. Knowing about these authorities and identifying your eligibility will enhance your job search. Check vacancy announcements, which should clearly state “Who May Apply.”
Military Spouse Appointing Authority allows agencies to appoint a military spouse without competition. Agencies can choose to use this authority when filling competitive service positions on a temporary (not to exceed 1 year), term (more than 1 year but not more than 4 years), or permanent basis. The authority does not entitle spouses to an appointment over any other applicant.
As a military spouse you are eligible under this authority if your active duty military spouse: 1) receives a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) move; 2) has a 100% disability rating; or 3) died while on active duty. Each of these categories has different eligibility criteria that must be met.
Active Duty Spouse PCS: As a military spouse you must:
- Be authorized to relocate on the PCS orders;
- Actually relocate to the new duty station.
Military spouses can only be appointed within the reasonable daily commuting distance of the new duty station and the appointment must be made within 2 years of the PCS. You will be asked to provide a copy of the PCS orders.
Based on 100% Disability: You are eligible if your active duty spouse:
- Retired under Chapter 61 of title 10, United States Code with a 100% disability rating from the military department;
- Retired or was released from active duty and has a disability rating of 100% from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs or the military department.
There is no geographic limitation under this category. You will be required to provide documentation of your spouse’s disability.
Based on Service Member’s Death: If your spouse was killed while on active duty and you are not remarried, you are eligible. There is no geographic limitation in this category. You will be required to provide documentation of the death and your marital status at the time of death.
Note: Military Spouse Preference is a Department of Defense program applicable to positions being filled both in the continental United States and at overseas locations. For more information contact your local Department of Defense personnel office.