Pay off your debt through various services offered by DDS. You can learn about debt consolidation,
debt settlement and other debt services and programs that will get you on your way to debt relief!
Debt Counselors are waiting to talk to you about getting out of debt and going over valuable debt
management tools.
Debt & Credit Counseling program is designed
to consolidate all of your debts into one lower, convenient monthly payment. Work with a Certified Financial Counselor who understands your individual credit counseling needs and can help you accomplish your financial goals. |
Discount Debt Solutions has created a consolidation program that not only fits your budget, but also puts industry credit professionals on your side. Our relationships with thousands of creditors allow us to consolidate & negotiate your debt and lower the payments on your behalf. |
Discount Debt University has been created to provide educational materials and information to people in need of Debt Counseling at no cost. The objective in educating the public about using credit wisely, budgeting, and managing debt, is to ensure that the public is making informed decisions. |
“… Thank you for helping me make the right decisions and for all of your support. ” – Marvin C. |
1. Plan Your Budget
It is very important to make sure you have an accurate record of both your sources of income and your
regular expenses. This means making a list of everything from rent to your daily newspaper. What is
expendable? Take a look at what you remove from the list and what you can reduce.
2. Set Obtainable Goals
You’ll be more inspired to pay off your debt, and to save, if you have a clear picture of what you are
working towards. Write everything down and start with the smaller, more obtainable goals; this will
inspire you to keep going.
3. Avoid Impulse Spending
Before you make a purchase, think about if you really need it or is it just a ‘want’. You will be
surprised at how much can save if you are just a little more disciplined about your spending.