Is the Army Right for You? Are You Right for the Army? Any job or career change should be viewed objectively. Consider the life style, the job, location, benefits, and opportunities. Serve in Active Duty as an Enlisted Soldier and you begin at Basic Training with the rank of Private. You must be between the ages of 17 and 34, be a USCitizen or Permanent Resident Alien, be healthy and in good physical condition, and be in good moral standing. Step One: Ask questions and consider carefully if the Army is the right choice for you. Talk to an Army recruiter. Some questions you might want to ask are:
Formulate a plan. Just as a business needs a plan to succeed, you as an individual will need obtainable goals and a concrete plan for reaching those goals. Step Two: See if you qualify. Take the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery), a multiple choice test designed to help identify your strengths and personal characteristics. The objective of the test is to determine which Army jobs (Military Occupational Specialty – MOS) will best suit you. ASVAB Test Design. Tips for taking the ASVAB. How is the test scored? Step Three: Visit one of the network of 65 MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Stations) located nationwide and in Puerto Rico. This is where you go to enlist in the Army. Here you will find out if you qualify physically and choose a MOS. The MOS may impact where you are stationed for Basic Training. This is also where you will be sworn in to the United States Army. Step Four: Choose a MOS. There are over 4,000 job options in the United States Army. The training you receive in the Army will be of great value to you for the rest of your life. Consider your personality, interest, background, and goals for the future. Step Five: Put your best foot forward. Tackle Basic Training with a positive attitude and a will to succeed. Give it your best and you will walk away from the nine weeks physically fit with the skills you need to survive and succeed. To enlist as an Active Duty Soldier in the U.S. Army you must be:
Enlistment topics of interest.