The United States Coast Guard ensures that it is capable of meeting its operational goals and challenges by requiring recruits and guardians to remain healthy and fit. Members of the Coast Guard must remain fit for full duty by maintaining their Maximum Allowable Weight (MAW) according to specific guidelines. The Coast Guard is the only US Armed Force service that considers an individuals weight with respect to gender, height and frame size. All Coast Guard military personnel are screened against MAW standards at least every April and October. Applicants to join the Coast Guard that exceed their MAW will not normally be allowed to join. Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) will make all official weight determinations for applicants.
How to Get Your MAW for the Coast Guard
Determine Frame Size
- Extend and spread apart the fingers of the dominant hand.
- Measure with a cloth tape one complete time around the wrist at the point where there are two “knobs” or tendons. The tape should be snug, but not compressing the skin.
- Note the circumference of the wrist in inches.
Determine Height
- Measure members height without shoes.
- Round height to the nearest whole number in inches.
Determine Weight
- Measure members weight without shoes.
- Round weight to the nearest whole number in pounds.
Determine Maximum Allowable Weight for Men
In the chart below, cross the member’s height with the member’s frame size to find the member’s MAW.
Determine Maximum Allowable Weight for Women
In the chart below, cross the member’s height with the member’s frame size to find the member’s MAW.