AUGUST 29, 2023 – Service members will have the opportunity to provide direct feedback to Department of Defense (DOD) leadership through the 2023 Workplace and Gender Relations (2023 WGR) Survey. The WGR Survey reports estimated prevalence of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and gender discrimination in the military. Launched on July 31, the 2023 WGR is open to about 1 million randomly selected Service members, roughly half of the combined active-duty and Reserve force. Unlike previous years, Service members can now access the survey after completing their unit’s Defense Organizational Climate Survey (DEOCS).
The bi-annual WGR survey is the Department’s official source of data collection relating to gender relations in the workplace, which helps DOD leaders improve and develop policies and programs that better support Service members.
“Feedback from Service members is essential as we continue the Administration’s and Secretary Austin’s unprecedented efforts to combat sexual assault, sexual harassment and other harmful behaviors that detract from our readiness. Bringing forward Service members’ voices helps drive progress in delivering effective and integrated violence prevention and response across the force,” said Elizabeth Foster, Executive Director, Force Resiliency.
The full survey averages about 15 minutes to complete, however, all Service members are welcomed to take an abbreviated survey, which has 10 questions and takes about five minutes.
Still have questions? Hopefully we can answer them here.
Who will be asked to take the full survey?
Roughly 771,000 active-duty soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, Guardians, and Coast Guard members and about 260,000 members of the National Guard and Reserve components will be randomly selected to take the full survey. Currently, there are about 1.3 million active-duty members in the military, as well as more than 760,000 members of the Reserve and National Guard.
All eligible survey participants are below the rank of general or admiral. Again, the survey is voluntary; there will be no repercussions if you opt not to take it.
Where do I go to take the survey?
The full or abbreviated survey can be taken at the same place online — DODSurveys.mil — and is mobile compatible. When you get to the page, it’ll ask you for a ticket number. If you didn’t receive that via mail or email, you can look it up on the website.
You will be redirected to a non-government website, hosted by our survey contractor, to take the survey. This is a safe and legitimate website, however, if you have concerns, you can call 1-571-372-1034 or DSN 372-1034 to confirm the site’s legitimacy.
You may also be invited to take the survey after completing your unit’s DEOCS. By entering your DODID and day of birth at the end of your DEOCS, you’ll continue on to the WGR Survey.
How is the WGR different from the DEOCS?
The DEOCS is a tool for commanders to understand and take action to address the climate within your unit. The WGR is a congressionally mandated survey that produces results that can be used to describe the entire Force and for DOD senior leaders to make policy decisions about the health and well-being of military members. Although some questions may look similar, the surveys are used for different purposes and are reported separately. Your responses to the WGR will not be included in the DEOCS report provided to your leadership for your unit/organization.
Who can take the abbreviated survey?
Any military member can choose to take the abbreviated survey. This includes generals, admirals and those who have just begun their training.
Will my answers be kept private?
The survey responses are confidential — all data will be reported in the aggregate and no individual data will be reported. To ensure your own privacy, we encourage you to safeguard your ticket number and be aware of the environment in which you take the survey (e.g., do not leave your computer unmonitored when taking the survey).
When can I see the survey results?
The results of the survey will come out in the spring of 2024 and will be publicly released to DOD policy offices, military service leadership and Congress. The results — along with those from previous surveys — will be available at OPA.mil.
When is the next WGR?
The DOD’s Office of People Analytics administers this congressionally mandated survey every other year, with the next administration occurring in 2025.