OCTOBER 3, 2022 – Everyone knows what is a sniper, but not everyone has information about the history of this specialty. To fill this information gap, it is necessary to get acquainted with each stage of the formation of the profession, from ancient times to our days. This will help to learn more about the art of sniping and outstanding personalities who influenced world history.
Sharpshooters. Snipers before the 17th century
Most scholars are inclined to believe that the history of sharpshooters began in the middle of the 17th century. During this period, soldiers from various armies began to operate muskets that could be used to fire shots from a long distance. The first accurate sniper shot was the assassination of Lord Brooke during the English Civil War. This was done by D. Dayot, who was an ordinary and unremarkable soldier. He hid on top of one of the buildings with his musket and waited for an opportunity. As soon as this happened, he made an accurate shot from 150 meters. At that time, accuracy at such a distance from the target was considered an incredible event. However, this story is true or not, no one knows for sure.
A new round of development dates back to the period of the US War of Independence. It was this time that some consider the starting point in the development of professional snipers. During the hostilities, well-armed soldiers and simple hunters were engaged in shooting enemies from well-equipped shelters. They also hid in dense thickets and other natural obstacles. In the military history of America, several names of these soldiers and some details of their exploits have been preserved. Most often, the killings were committed from 250-350 meters. As a shelter, arrows often used tall trees, in the crown of which they waited for their victims.
An important step in the formation of professional snipers was the opening of the so-called “Green Jackets”. The military personnel of this unit wore green clothing, which became the basis for choosing the name. Its representatives were excellent shooters. They were armed with the famous Baker rifles, which made the flight of the bullet more straightforward and made it possible to shoot from a very long distance. “Green Jackets” skillfully used these rifles, which gave their army a noticeable advantage over their opponents. In the early years of the 19th century, this unit became an elite one, and each of its representatives was officially called snipers.
The most active sniper business developed in the years 1800-1900. During this period of history, the weapons and skills of shooters were rapidly improved. Thanks to excellent training, sharpshooters could hit even very distant targets. The Enfield rifle has become a truly sniper weapon. It appeared in the 50s and was intended exclusively for hitting distant targets. This weapon had many significant drawbacks, so the Whitworth rifle soon replaced it. She could accurately shoot from more than 1.5 kilometers, which for that time was a real breakthrough. Such a range required the presence of additional devices that would make it possible to shoot at the most distant objects. In this regard, they began to actively test various optics attached to the gun barrel.
Whitworth rifles became an important piece of equipment during the American Civil War. They were used by both warring parties, remaining satisfied with the benefits received. The most striking evidence of this was the murder of General D. Sedgwick. It came from a distance of about 1 kilometer, which came as a complete surprise to the Union army. It was this event that secured the nickname “ghosts” for American snipers. They could kill any high-ranking enemy soldier with impunity and bring about a turning point in the war.
Snipers in the 20th century
The 20th century was the bloodiest in human history. It was marked by two world wars, in each of which the role of snipers was key. In the First World War, soldiers who knew how to accurately shoot sniper weapons could be found in almost every trench. Their main task was to kill opponents who accidentally left their hiding place. Very often it was the sharpshooters who decided the outcome of the battle. Because of this, their training began to be actively engaged in different parts of the world. The British, Americans and French were especially successful in this matter. The training process included many stages, each of which gave the soldiers certain knowledge.
At the same time, protection for snipers was being developed, which was necessary to preserve the maximum possible number of professional shooters. Often it was thick metal armor with a small hole through which shots could be fired. Such protection minimized the chances of snipers to kill their colleagues from the enemy army. In World War I, a mannequin imitating the body of a shooter who came out of cover became a mandatory equipment for a sniper. It was used to calculate the location of enemy snipers (they took the dummy for a living person and fired a shot) and get a chance to destroy them. With the improvement of optical instruments, such a trick became useless, since shooters could distinguish a living target from an inanimate one from a great distance.
World War I snipers used dozens of weapons. Each of them had its own advantages and disadvantages, so there was no ideal option. Most often, shooters used Mausers (Germany), Enfields (UK) and Springfields (USA). Canadian, Russian, and Italian-made rifles were also sometimes used.
After World War I, the activity of developing sniper art decreased. This was due to the minimal need for such specialists. However, with the outbreak of World War II, the situation was reversed. During this period of history, the German troops had at their disposal a lot of snipers, whose weapons were supplemented with the latest optical sights. They helped them conquer new territories and conquer the world. The armies of the USA, Great Britain, and the USSR also had snipers. It was these soldiers who could delay the German advance by killing key people in their units.
In World War II, sharpshooters began to use camouflage on the ground. She made the military almost invisible and increased the efficiency of their work. The camouflage factor became especially important in winter. The use of special camouflage gave a tangible advantage to the military personnel of countries that resisted fascism. Largely thanks to sharpshooters, they managed to win several important battles that tipped the scales against A. Hitler.
In the bloodiest war in recent human history, two sides of the conflict used several sniper rifles. The most popular among them were Mosin–Nagant (USSR), Gewehr and Mauser (both Germany), Springfield (USA). Also, the shooters actively exploited weapons from Japan, Italy, and Great Britain.
After the surrender of Nazi Germany, snipers became a full-fledged part of most units. They constantly improved their skills and performed well in dozens of armed conflicts. A little later, professional shooters began to be used for counter-terrorist operations. In this case, sharpshooters helped save many lives.
Modern snipers of the U.S. Army
The modern military sniper is a versatile member of the US Army who is capable of performing a variety of jobs. He helps military units in reconnaissance, eliminating important enemy personnel, protecting their own base. This requires special sniper equipment, which includes not only weapons, but also camouflage, as well as dozens of other items.
Modern American snipers actively use various optics. It helps them complete tasks more quickly and efficiently. Very often, in addition to standard optics, night vision devices are used. They make it possible to conduct combat operations in the dark. Thermal imaging optics is also being actively introduced, allowing snipers to quickly detect enemy soldiers.
Army sniper is a unique profession that has been valued at all times. It originated several centuries ago and has gone through many stages of development. Modern representatives of this profession are perfect soldiers, able to cope with a wide variety of tasks. In the following years, sniper business will actively develop and have an even greater impact on the success of the American army.