As a Soldier, your skills must be continually honed. And if you’re a Soldier interested in promotion, you’ll want to take part in ongoing training opportunities. The Army offers many choices including tactical, technical, physical and leadership development. Many of these opportunities allow you to practice your skills in the field as an individual and as part of a team.
Listed below are some Ongoing Training Opprotunities:
Airborne School teaches Soldiers the techniques of how to jump and parachute safely from airplanes.
Train here for a career in the health care field. The Army Health Care Team is diverse and covers many aspects of medicine”from nursing to veterinary care.
Attend Army Aviation School as an Officer or Warrant Officer and you will become one of the most highly trained helicopter pilots in the world.
The Army Chaplain School provides training to prepare Army Chaplains and Chaplain Assistants to tend to the spiritual needs of other Soldiers.
At Defense Information School, you can train in a skill that’s related to creating editorial publications, radio programs and television programs.
Train here, and you’ll be enrolled in an intense, full-time program learning to speak and write a foreign language fluently. Languages range from Arabic to Chinese.
Drill Sergeants play a critical part in transforming recruits into Soldiers at Basic Combat Training. Here’s where Drill Sergeants learn the skills necessary to encourage those recruits along the way.
Ensuring equality in the workplace is important to the Army. Here’s where Soldier’s learn how to identify discrimination cases and”more important”promote equality throughout the Army.
The JAG Corps is a wide-ranging practice that includes military law, criminal prosecution, international law and legal assistance.
Jumpmasters are experts in teaching other Soldiers the techniques of jumping from airplanes. They ultimately teach at the Army Airborne School.
Army Pathfinders are specialists in navigating their way through foreign terrain and establishing safe landing zones for Airborne Soldiers or Army aircraft.
Ranger School is one of the toughest things a Soldier can volunteer for. But the payoff is well worth it as Army Rangers are the experts in leading Soldiers on difficult missions.
Maintaining the strength of the Army’s forces is an extremely important role. Army Recruiters are always ready to help high-quality recruits make the most of an Army career.
After you pass the audition for the Army Band Program, you will continue to hone your musical skills at the Armed Forces School of Music in Norfolk, VA.
Special Forces (SF) Soldiers are the experts in unconventional warfare. They train here so they are prepared to deploy on a variety of missions all over the world.
Warrior Transition Course introduces those coming from other services to the Army and to refresh the skills of former Soldiers.