Basic Training in the Coast Guard requires you to be physically fit, mentally ready and prepared for a transformation. You will be doing and learning so much for the eight weeks of basic training that the more you already know and the more physically fit you are the easier it will be. Starting before you report for training will reduce your stress and enable you to succeed.
Before you arrive for basic training, you need to prepare yourself physically, mentally and financially. Make sure you also have the right clothing and supplies, and most importantly-The Right Attitude!
- Financial Arrangements
- What to Bring
- What Not to Bring
- What the Coast Guard Issues You
- Physical Fiitness Training
- Required Knowledge
Following the advice above will help you succeed in Coast Guard Basic Training. The Coast Guard motto is “Semper Paratus”, Latin for “Always Ready” or “Always Prepared”.
Physical Fitness Training
Getting In Shape
You will begin Coast Guard Basic Training at Cape May, New Jersey. The recruits who succeed in their physical fitness training all have one thing in common: they started preparing for basic training early! Here is how to get started:
DOCTOR EXAM – If you have never exercised regularly, you should have a physical exam by a doctor to ensure safety.
CLOTHING – Dress for the temperature. If it is cold outside, cover your ears and fingers. If it is hot, wear cool cotton clothing.
FOOTWEAR – Ensure that you wear a good quality running sneaker.
The Elements of Fitness
Since exercise alone does not make you fit, consider these elements together for a lifetime approach to physical fitness:
- If 21 or older moderate your alcohol use.
- Follow a low-fat nutrition plan.
- Follow an exercise plan that includes cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular fitness, flexibility and strength.
The first few weeks of Boot Camp are tough. Smokers have the added challenge of not being allowed to smoke. (Smoking or chewing tobacco is prohibited while you are in recruit training). Make every effort to be tobacco free before you arrive. It is highly recommended that you participate in a smoking cessation program prior to entering training if you are either a heavy smoker or have been smoking for several years.
Stretching for flexibility should be conducted as part of your exercise program, both before strenuous exercise and as part of your cool-down afterwards.
REMEMBER, do not bounce, but slowly extend and hold your stretch for 10 to 15 seconds.
Bent-Knee Sit Ups
Minimum Qualification for Graduation
Male – 38 in one minute Female – 32 in one minute
This exercise measures abdominal muscular endurance.
Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the deck, hands cupped behind your ears, and if necessary, have someone hold your feet for stability. Keep your lower back on the deck and raise your upper body approximately 90 degrees, touching your elbows to your knees before beginning a controlled descent back to the deck. Once your shoulder blades touch the deck, you can raise your upper body again. Do not tuck your chin into your chest as this causes strain on your neck. Your goal is to meet or exceed the physical fitness qualifications for graduation.
Minimum Qualification for Graduation
Male – 29 in one minute Female – 15 in one minute
This exercise measures the muscular endurance of the upper body.
Perform by placing hands shoulder-width apart, your feet together and your body forming a generally straight line from the shoulders to the ankles. Keep your body straight throughout the exercise. Lower your body until the upper arms are at least parallel to the ground, then push up to the
initial position by completely straightening the arms. Strive to meet or exceed the qualifications for graduation.
Minimum Qualification for Graduation
1.5 MILE RUN: male 12:51 (minutes) female 15:26 (minutes)
This exercise measures your full body endurance.
Stretch out thoroughly before you begin running. Wear a good pair of running shoes that fit properly. Pick a good running surface. If a running track is not available, choose a level street to run on.
Relax and breathe properly. Keep your elbows close to your sides to conserve energy. Practice lengthening your stride to reduce stress on your joints. When you tire, slow to a brisk walk and continue pumping your arms to maintain aerobic heart rate. If you have not run for a long time, or have never run, you should start out with a walk/run program. For example: walk five minutes, then run two minutes, repeating the cycle three times, for a total of 21 minutes. Aerobic exercise should be done three to five times per week.
Minimum Qualification for Graduation
Jump off a six-foot platform into the pool, swim 100 meters, and tread water for five minutes. Swimming on your back is not permitted.
This exercise measures your ability to swim.
There are seven essential components to a good swimming training program. Stretching, warm-up, kick pull or drill sets, major set, timed swim, sprints, and warm-down.
There are resources that can be found on the internet to help you design a personalized training program to prepare you for your swimming qualification.